theanti9 / Snow

A simple, early stage non-blocking server library

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Snow is a simple Non-blocking Server library built on top of Java's NIO.


This is the main point of the project. It allows you to create a server listener and handle the socket selections through the use of callbacks run inside a thread pool.


public SnowTcpServer(int port, int poolSize, int maxPoolSize, int queueSize, long keepAliveTime)


  • port - The port you want the server to listen on
  • poolSize - the base pool size you want in the thread pool
  • maxPoolSize - the maximum number of threads you want in the thread pool
  • queueSize - the capacity of the thready pool
  • keepAliveTime - the number of seconds a thread should wait before timing out.

####RegisterCallback This function should be used to register the callbacks for Connect, Read, and Disconnect events.

public void RegisterCallback(IOConnectEventCallback callback)
public void RegisterCallback(IODisconnectEventCallback callback)
public void RegisterCallback(IOReadEventCallback callback)


  • callback - One of com.snow.IO.EventCallback s to register.

####Start Starts the server

public void Start()


  • None

##SnowTcpClient This object represents a client connection to the server


public SnowTcpClient(SelectionKey key) throws IOException


  • key - This is the selection key that the server passes to create the object and get the SocketChannel


public SelectionKey GetSelectionKey()


  • None

####Read Reads ready data into a byte buffer and returns it as an array

public byte[] Read() throws IOException


  • None

####Write Write data from a byte array to the socket channel

public void Write(byte[] bytes) throws IOException


  • bytes - A byte array containing the data to be written to the channel

####Disconnect Disconnect a client from the server

public void Disconnect() throws IOException


  • None

####SetName Set a string connection name

public void SetName(String n)


  • n - String to set the name of the client to

####GetName Get the set connection name

public void GetName()


  • None

####GetConnectionTime Get the Date object representing the time the client connected

public Date GetConnectionTime()


  • None


####Public Static Members These can be changed before you call the ForEach method in order to adjust the options for the thread pool youd like to use

  • int PoolSize = 2 - The core pool size to use in the thread execution pool
  • int MaxPoolSize - The maximum pool size for the thread execution pool
  • int QueueSize - The size of the thread queue.
  • long KeepAliveTime - How long a thread should wait before it times out

####ForEach This static function can be passed an iterator and a callback to use for each iteration which will be executed in a parallel thread pool

public static <T> void ForEach(Iterator<T> it, final IForEachCallback callback, boolean remove)
public static <T> void ForEach(Iterator<T> it, final IForEachCallback callback)


  • it - The iterator to be iterated over
  • callback - The callback to be used on each item in the loop
  • remove optional - Marks whether to remove an item from the iterator after consuming it. default is false

Callback Interfaces



public <T> void Invoke(T item) throws Exception;


  • item - This is the object that gets passed to the callback from the loop

Usage Example:

Iterator it;

// Initialize it here

ParallelLoop.ForEach(it, new IForEachCallback() {
	public <T> void Invoke(T item) throws IOException {
		// code with your item here
}, true);



public void Invoke(SnowTcpClient client);


  • client - The SnowTcpClient object representing the new connection

Usage Example:

server.RegisterCallback(new IOConnectEventCallback() {
	public void Invoke(SnowTcpClient client) {
		// Set the name to the date string with no spaces.
		client.SetName(client.getConnectionTime().toString().replace(" ", ""));



public void Invoke(SnowTcpClient client);


  • client - The SnowTcpClient object representing the disconnected client

Usage Example:

server.RegisterCallback(new IODisconnectEventCallback() {
	public void Invoke(SnowTcpClient client) {
		// Do cleanup here



public void Invoke(SnowTcpClient client, byte[] buff);


  • client - The SnowTcpClient object representing the disconnected client
  • buff - the bytes read from the socket channel object as a byte array

Usage Example:

server.RegisterCallback(new IOReadEventCallback() {
	public void Invoke(SnowTcpClient client, byte[] buff) {
		// return it to the client


A simple, early stage non-blocking server library


Language:Java 100.0%