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The Article Regarding "The Red Ether Project"

What is The Red Ether Project? Yve Vestal Titan Yve Vestal Titan Apr 20 · 16 min read

Why Red? Red in Chinese culture is the color of good luck, of love, energy; it is motion in life, blood flowing through the veins, but also semblances a strong duality. Red is the color of life and energy, but it is also the color of blood, bloodshed, hostility and war. It is sort of ironic, yet also poetic, that the COVID-19 pandemic erupted during the Chinese Lunar New Year(the year of the metal rat), eroding the nation’s people under a hooded bedrock of extreme censorship, lies and oppression. Their debt to their people is in some ways greater than the debt they owe the US and the rest of the world. Why Ether? Ithought about a few other names: Red Vapor, Red Mist, Red Cloud, because mist and vapor originate from a cloud, with that cloud being the source of COVID-19 in a subtle, hidden way: to symbolize how the Chinese government kept the knowledge of the virus unobtrusive, and led other nations to trust them about the outbreak, while the real peak of spread happened during the turn of the decade and the launch of 5G. Then I came up with Ether- it’s a territory more difficult to comprehend, it is what’s unknown; it’s everywhere and nowhere, and it’s sometimes aware. Red Ether Red Ether is meant to represent the lack of transparency of the Chinese Centralized Government, masking over their decades of communist control, censoring of information, applications, giving misinformation to their citizens, stripping away their freedoms, their health, and now their lives and our lives. This isn’t something that’s new. And this is also personal. The amount of Nationalism in China as a country is astounding, despite their failing governments, brainwashed propaganda and enslavement. My mother’s parents were essentially forced to die during the Cultural Revolution in order to avoid being put into concentration camps, leaving her and her two siblings orphaned, scarring her for life and leaving them separated for the rest of their childhood as they had to live with different relatives. This is why I remember why America was so great, and still is so Great, because it the Freedom land. But what has changed is the level of our own centralization by the internet. Seeing the extent that China is willing to go to cover up their mistakes exposed us to the Red Ether, in a deadly pandemic sense. But although in relative terms, America still is one of the best places to live in the world when embarking crises, we still have a lot of room for improvement. Yes, the Red Ether exposed and officially cancelled China, and Coachella, but our reaction has also exposed ourselves. It was until recently, with our political divide, that we were finally able to communicate and come to common bipartisan ground. Obviously, too many political agendas come into play even during life or death situations, and no one central authority is as disinterested as they may seem. This pandemic is something that our generation, and even the prior have never been able to understand. Back then, all we were worried about was whether our first world problems were relatable enough, and how we could achieve our version of the American Dream. But when we got into apocalypse mode, we realized what necessity is, and what living ought to be. Because of this pandemic, I think for the first time in history Purrell and gold might be items of equivalent value. Ether is also Ethereum, the cryptocurrency architected created by Vitalik Buterin, essentially a more configurable and programmable version of the Blockchain data structure. We will see a red shift, where the impact from the Chinese Communist Party(CCP) will have a lagging after-effect, from everyone becoming germaphobic, adopting cleaning drones, to the fear that the second wave will be more intense, and we might not necessarily know when. The Ether, a in the Cryptocurrency, is going to be the new major currency in the coming decade. The US Stimulus Plan, despite certain members of congress holding American’s hostage to filibuster more Socialism, was also intended to introduce a new proposal of a US standardized digital currency. It did not pass, but eventually it will. While many Wuhan Virus patients may have recovered from the first wave of attack, the value of the US Dollar will never fully recover to the strength it once was, and the amount of damage the Chinese Government is about to do to the economy will irreparable. Do I think that China did plant the virus in Wuhan? I mean, as much as I despise the Chinese government(and not the people) and what they do to free thinkers, it would be a stupid move to intentionally cause a pandemic that affected them the most. I do think this could have been predicted in the past, either by sheer coincidence, or life imitating Art. I firmly believe they have been using this time to bioengineer their military, and there have been sightings of the Chinese navy watching us. They are ripping off other countries for ineffective tests, probably as an effort to build Allies. They don’t give a damn about their people, the environment, and have questionable values. What we need to reflect on in this entire situation, is that for the first time in years, we have only started to come together- democrats, republicans, Americans, legal immigrants. We need to continue this momentum, and realize that we are not each other’s enemy. Our government did not create this, yet we could have done better if we were United as states to begin with, and not being so stubborn to hold the commonwealth hostage for political gain. We need to start thinking in terms of “we”, with no gender pronoun necessary; that is not to say that other issues do not have merit, but during times of crisis we need to unite with the common goal and be aware of the true enemy: China is and has been the enemy. We must become partially decentralized, to stop news media of both sides from altering out viewpoints on the other, especially as we have now entered the Red Ether. Not only do we need more transparency, we need less centralized control, it is clear that no single form of government can handle everything(that is not to say we don’t need them, but that their hands are usually full of other tasks to protect the homeland). This is why we need to work as individual entities, in subgraphs to a bigger picture, and end the control of centralized, unregulated companies holding our data and influencing the way we act, perceive, and generate bias to those with different viewpoints. We need to own our own data, and not be enslaved to Big Tech. We need to regain that ability to control our own privacy and security. Our data is a digital representation of our being, it points to our entity and it is an extension of our psychological, socio-economic, and ideological self. When they own our data, they own us. We can not be owned by anyone. When we finally enter the Ether, we will be using decentralized apps(dApps), to have our true constitutional freedoms, and to have a truly Free Market. We will have the common interest to align in symbiosis, have anonymous, autonomous voting, decentralized Media, complete transparency and less advertisement fluff. Furthermore, no prejudiced architect can “optimize” an algorithm for recommending content and information to the user, by eliminating the updates certain groups they don’t like or agree with from a user’s news feed, it is only going to be up to that user if they truly don’t want to view the content. Inthe age of Youtube, content creators have constantly been angered when their videos have gotten demonetized, especially the ones in who rely on these monetized paychecks to make a living. This is known as a shadow ban. Some of the terms in a shadow ban have become completely arbitrary, with some innocuous triggers to automatically shadow ban content creators, when these content creators are in actuality attempting to explain important facts and provide resources and guidance to their niche communities, or simply give their opinion on a situation. Some of the more “outspoken” content creators get much of their main content demonetized, relying on Patreon from their fans because they can not monetize ads. Youtube should not be the one who decides what should or shouldn’t be monetized for someone we follow, we should be the ones who decide in a general consensus. What’s worse is when users get blocked off platforms like Twitch, with subscribers wondering what for, because they have done nothing wrong. The “C” word (COVID-19) has been a red word in alternative media, and now content creators have become demonetized for even mentioning it because it has affected their life and work, in order to prevent ‘disinformation’. Yet egotistical members of the mainstream media have no problem modifying info, constantly reporting inaccurate and inflated queries, elaborating on what isn’t actually important for the American people during a crisis, only with the heavy effort trigger a response that inflects hatred and bias towards others who don’t thoughtlessly agree without question. So why do we act like this? To give so much hatred to those with a different point of view? We have stereotyped each other in the most ironic way. We exemplify Newton’s Third Law in the most polar form, and it’s time we meet halfway, especially now. We need transparency, we need communication, and we need to relieve the stigma. America needs couples therapy. More importantly, we need to stop giving thought to the centralized, censored media. We need to remember that, we are not each others enemy, we are all being reduced and taken advantage of by the central organizations, especially in the private sector. OnSocial News Feeds, posts have been flagged by Political Parties for “having inaccurate content”, when usually, the content was not offensive, racist, misogynist or threatening, but simply a different viewpoint from what Facebook decided is “PC” content. Is this 1984 or Fahrenheit 451? Remember the burning of the books in Fiction, and in real life? Perhaps it is okay for germ inflicted paperback and hardcover books today to be burned in order to power our digital systems while we replace them with audiobooks and digital media, but what we didn’t trade in for our technology is our freedom of choice. All of a sudden, we have been force fed falsified and skewed information. Who gets to decide what content is “right for citizen’s to consume”? Sounds familiar, sounds like China. This needs to end. Big centralized companies should not have the right to monetize our emotions and profit from conditioning the way we are made to think. In a sense, this disinformation and lack of transparency is the true virus, in the idealogical sense. The Web we know was not intended for what it has become. Though originally a military weapon, when it was publicly released, our past leadership never intended for the amount of control and censorship it has garnered to the web we know today. Part of Big Tech has gotten out of control, and at the same time, complete control: complete, undeniable and hidden control. Remember the Zuckerberg trials? When centralized organizations have the allowance and capability to scale up, they will take advantage of the information they have on the users, the “metadata”. It is inevitable, hard for many to resist given the advantage and power they have .Big Tech has become a large rogue agent that not even the government can regulate. Our relationship with the current network is an antipattern to our Freedom. They have been censoring political parties and those with different viewpoints by skewing their recommendation algorithms, but more than that their subtle hints create lasting impressions on the way we behave, learn, and play deeply into the ideologies we buy into. In many ways, Big Tech owns us, so shouldn’t we also own them? Moreover, what’s going to happen in the next pandemic or crisis? How will we get true, uncensored data from foreign governments? What central organization is capable of protecting us from falsified widespread misinformation in the Ether? There’s a parallel adage that goes “injustice anywhere threatens the justice to people everywhere.” That protruding injustice today is censorship, whether in China or the US. Centric systems have a way of mocking one another, when really in the end this may not necessarily only be a fight between the East and the West anymore. Any centric system is certain to have flaws, but when they cluster and group entire populations to think, feel, and act a particular way from conditioning, it in it of itself becomes a virus. A virus of widespread lies, misinformation, skewed information, and overall, political or economic control over others. “If you don’t like how the table is set, flip that table over” Distributed Systems This is why we need distributed systems. This is why we need to migrate to the blockchain. We can no longer live off of the existing central systems that were built on the basis of digital authoritarianism and have in recent times deemed extremely inefficient. Inan ideal world, we are completely free, we are legitimate anarchy. But human civilization has ensured that not only is that purely impossible, it is not what we want, we desire structure, some governance, leadership or example to give some direction, some consensus. Because of our reliance on technology, we are bound to the structures built on past societies and human patterns. But there comes an inflection point in every society where old paradigms begin to shift, citizens today realize they have outgrown some past archetypes, a new ideology starts making waves. Modern day humans have started to notice this transition phase. The Blockchain, the Ether, is the digital truth; it is a history that cannot be muted, oppressed, or altered. In the Ethereum Blockchain, Data is stored, and the peer to peer system is partially anonymous to protect identity and personal data. A Smart Contract includes a peer-to-peer protocol, run by gas when ETH currency is injected, triggering event handlers and calls to encrypt and program data. A smart contract has a predetermined certainty and after consensus on the blockchain, there is immutability, the pure truth is stored in the entire state of the blockchain. In a big picture sense, a smart contract is a Social Contract. Today, we are too tightly coupled with the programmable internet, the version we know to be Web2. Platforms easily have power over us, and with the digital age, the social and socio-economic control they have over our livelihoods, it is ************. What is Web3? Web3 is the what the internet was meant structured to be, it is the true internet. It is a tokenized, decentralized network. Developers can become truly open source, uncensored, while peer-to-peer regulated. Peers can host each other’s content, and there is a symbiotic reliance on one another to prevent corruption. It’s government transparency and security. It is a complete data structural change. And because the underlying structure of the internet must change, it requires a Revolution. Eliminating the Client-Server Model: Eliminating the Controller With technologies like GraphQL that usually sit between the client and server, we no longer need the bare idea of having a middle man, entities hold their own data, we are our own database, there is reduced latency, data loss, and we as entities become autonomous, and difficult to hack or shift(in a data sense and in a preprogramming sense). Decentralized Apps, like decentralized versions of Facebook, VK, Instagram, Twitter, have been vigorously in development in the Ether Community. We are currently in a race to create the best versioning of decentralized media sites like Youtube, an arguably more organic version of Mainstream News, without shadow banning or censorship, or intermediaries, and only #FACTS. A peer-to-peer- decentralized Application is needed for truthful voting, it prevents money from touching the ballot. It could also be great to follow the money when it comes to Politics, track donations from PACs, SuperPACS, and “secret donors” to see where money truly flows, and how media frames political parties, even the trace the trail of money for college admissions of the privileged and wealthy etc. Most importantly, it de-censors the people from voicing their freedom of speech. Because whether we like them or not, blocking off someone from voicing their opinion because we disagree or have established a pre-conditioned bias is wrong, it is violating an inalienable right called expression. We should instead try to better understand the contexts, the environments we have lived and been conditioned in. Peer to peer network architectures is the way to help us better understand our fellow peers, without the proliferated mask the media likes to create. We Still Need Government- just a refined one While this system is the true free market and reflects true Democracy, this is not to say we don’t have government at all. Decentralized Autonomous Organizations(DAOS), used for unambiguous and ethical record keeping to help preserve the true state of the blockchain and inhibit corruption. Symbolically, this is essentially what the government should be, to assist for special instances, glitches, and emergencies only. But these can also be everyday people, and not to be glorified. What have we all learned so far? That the government, Red, Blue, Purple, or Rainbow is inefficient, and does not work long term when it is overly centralized. They say humans tend to repeat history, no matter how advanced, and someday we will destroy ourselves. I think we are better than that, because none of us are truly 100% human anymore. We need to start to think like machines, systematically, pragmatically, programmatically and not let our emotions give us bias, we need to stop acting so butt hurt about our feelings because the media thrives off of our country’s divide and controversy. Furthermore, we need to work together. This is not to say we get rid of government, but more so to give the government a break from the politics and focus on the citizens. This is why we cannot have a government centered country that ironically inches toward communism but we also cannot have a completely unregulated Technology market that the government cannot handle. We need the balance, we need consensus. We need to live like we are on a blockchain, where we are not judged for our opinions or affiliations, partially anonymous when it comes to data privacy, where we work together. The US. Cryptocurrent Bill Amid the crises, Senator Nathan Dahm proposed Bill 1430, a Cryptocurrency segment of the plan, a “depository for virtual currency used by governmental agencies in this state… to partner with innovative technology, help develop next generation financial products, and safely grow unique technical and financial sector” though brushed off as non urgent, the progressive representative developed this idea based on survey from his home State, Oklahoma. Later, Senator Brown, Ohio proposed in the 3rd US. Cares Act, a US Digital Dollar section “Banking For All Act” The idea involves a free digital bank account, to flare off the currencies created by Big Tech, such as Zuckerberg’s new currency, Libra Coin. It’s sobering to realize that an entity like Facebook already owns us. It owns you, it still owns us to some extent, and the very idea that they are attempting to control currency by preventing ads by its digital competitors proves that the possibility should not be ruled out or taken lightly. It is a fiscal threat to society when currency is controlled by a corporation, but we are not very far off. Some say that Marx Zuckerberg is a liberal. But if you are being censored, monitored, and controlled by a liberal, would you actually feel liberated? A search engine knows all of our fears, thoughts, consumer preferences, complements, substitutes, engagements, past history and can use that data to alter us instantly. When we find out foreign companies, such as Zoom, are Made in China, well, we essentially become another one of their separation concerns. The Red Ether Yes, we garner this duality in the color red, to symbolize love but also anger; it symbolizes fire, energy, blood flowing through veins representing life and also death and bloodshed through war. Red is also what we recognize as Communism: censorship to the fullest extent. The duality of red is embodied into the Red Ether, it is omnipresent, widespread, yet also hidden in a vapor and mist; The Red Ether is awake. And it is something we can no longer ignore. We must also remember that duality does not necessarily mean opposite; the opposite of love is not hate, but is indifference. And by indifference, I mean we cut China off as soon as possible from the trade agreement as soon as possible, and without a second glance. China is a country we can no longer trade with because it is a disillusioned central government we can no longer trust.Until we sue the shi* out of China for our economic reparations, until they cancel all American debt, while we move towards decentralizing the global economy and grow in transparency and security of our data, we cut off trade with China as much as possible and source within the United States. And to do this we need to come together as a united front. An Concluding Note: The Red Shift The Roaring 1920’s were remembered by Robber Barons, Tycoons in the Industrialization Age that have shaped our infrastructure to what we know of as today: the Rockefellers, the Carnegies, the Fords and the Vanderbilts. We are constantly reminded of the their big ego, centralist energy by the plethora of buildings and markings they have left behind in America with lack of oversight by neither government nor people. But what we have no history or recollection of is the people who worked under them, only a very truncated, corrupted version of truth as parties have shaped the information we can only gather through torchable textbooks. Currently, we are enabling the Big Tech Entities today to repeat this influence over us in the 2020’s by shaping our Digital Infrastructure and therefore, our reality and daily life. Their influence over us is what leads only to their affluence, and is accelerated by the current structure of centralized computer systems, existing data structures and network architectures: what we have known as Web2. Continuing along this chained timeline with no regulation or distribution of power within the systems will perpetuate the anti-pattern on the Freedoms we were once born with. Riding on the current path is no different than to lie silent into submission as we drift down the assembly line we call Big Tech and pass through life without meaning or human value. The ones who are marking up history in real time will not be the Engineers, the Architects, the Designers, or the drivers of civilization but rather the animated figureheads and the figurines as they ruthlessly drive their up their hostile takeovers. The lack of distribution against the machine in which we work for diminishes our very existence and we too become forgotten in history’s wake.

“If something in life appears to be free, then YOU ARE THE PRODUCT” No amount of ‘philanthropy’ done by present day Robber Barrons should be written off for the uncompensated amount of data Big Tech companies have stripped from our identities and used to further market information back into users to inflate their financial and digital assets. It is time to take back control, it is time to disperse into the Ether. After all, as Americans, Revolution is in our nature, to venture out of comfort, to be a cutting edge example of modernization and thinking ahead. So we can do better. It is time we propel the Internet Revolution of on the Decentralized Blockchain, in a non-violent, but very intellectual way; It is time for Web3: A New Internet: The Red Ether Project. No more shadow bans, no more restrictions, and We The People own and access our data as entities, the modern human-machine interface. Enter the New Digital Age of Web3, as we enter the Red Ether.


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