thealmarques / demo-project-lightningjs-mouse-events

LightningJS library to handle mouse events

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Mouse events library for LightningJS

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This library replicates mouse events in LightningJS. It's very similar to what we would have on our web page with multiple HTML elements. Since LightningJS uses canvas to draw the components and these don't have the concept of mouse events, it only supports key events (up, down, left, right) we need a new level of abstraction that can help us replicate the so needed mouse events handlers. Hopefully, this library will give you this abstraction and hide the logic that will help you give more support for the multiple TVs that allows mouse controls (like the magic mouse in LG).


The library currently supports at 100% the following mouse events

  • click
  • mouseup
  • mousedown
  • mouseup

How it works

In the LightningJS docs we can see that the elements that compose our application are built using the concept of tags. All of these tags have screen positions (encapsulated within each other, single elements, etc.).

For example,

MouseEvents.listen(this.tag("Menu"), 'click', (element, event) => {
    // Write your logic

To listen to events in a specific tag you need to specify the template tag, provide the mouse event and a callback that has two arguments, the element found (for example, the element clicked) and the HTML mouse event. This last one is useful when you didn't find anything and want to create some logic. The type of the element will depend on your template.

You can also:

  • Get the screen position {x, y} of a tag using
    const fieldCoordinates = MouseEvents.getBoundingClientRect(this.tag("Field"));


For now, you only need to export the src files into your project. In the future, it will be created an npm package.


To test the demo project (it's based on the official documents, you can see the original demo here) you need to

$ cd demo
$ yarn install
$ lng dev

Visit localhost:8080 and voilá.


Want to contribute? Great! Pull requests and issues are welcome!


  • Add more demos to test the capabilities of the library



Open-source, Hell Yeah!


LightningJS library to handle mouse events


Language:JavaScript 100.0%