theWhiteFox / jobsort

Jobsort is a crazy fast indie job search engine for jobs in tech; it's powered by a flexible domain specific language called JSQL (JobSort Query Language) that allows for deep searching.

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JobSort is a fast job search engine built by developers for developers. JobSort crawls the Internet for new jobs every day to create its jobs database. JobSort is powered by a custom filtering language called JobSort Query Language (JSQL) that enables deep searching.

Thanks to those who have given words of advice over the past months to guide future development. If you're curious, the name "JobSort" derives from the well-known sorting algorithm "QuickSort."


  • The database has more than 20 000 jobs that are constantly refreshed.
  • The flexible JobSort Query Language (JSQL) enables deep searching inside the big database. It'll almost feel like coding when you're searching.
  • Negative filtering!
  • "Job health-checks" test if each job is still available as you scroll through the results. If the job is dead, it gets stricken through so you don't land on a 404 page.

JobSort Query Language

keyword [-keyword] [remote:ok] [[-]lang:string] [[-]tech:string] [days:<uint] [sort:datetime|traffic]

Use the - operator to negate the meaning of most filters. For example, when searching for java, search engines also return less relevant javascript matches. Thus, search for java -javascript to filter out javascript matches when looking for java jobs.

Filter Syntax Type Examples
Keyword1 [-]keyword string java, java -javascript
Programming Language2 [-]lang: string, see languages.tsv lang:go, frontend -lang:php
Tech Stack3 [-]tech: string, see technologies.tsv tech:django, sysadmin -tech:linux
Remote4 remote: ok remote:ok
Recency5 days:< uint days:<7
Sort Order6 sort: datetime|traffic sort:datetime, sort:traffic

Example Searches

  • java -javascript for when java matches javascript results but you're not a frontend engineer, thus it's useful to remove javascript results.


  1. Search like on Google.

  2. Useful when you search for programming languages that are common English words.

  3. Useful when you love Django on Windows, but dislike Linux.

  4. Returns only remote jobs; ok is the only enum value for remote:.

  5. Returns only jobs found in the last two days.

  6. Sorts the results either by its crawl time in ascending order or its traffic in descending order.


Jobsort is a crazy fast indie job search engine for jobs in tech; it's powered by a flexible domain specific language called JSQL (JobSort Query Language) that allows for deep searching.

License:MIT License