the-robots / knock

Knock Subdomain Scan

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Knock Subdomain Scan v5.0.0

Knockpy is a python3 tool designed to enumerate subdomains on a target domain through dictionary attack.


Very simply

$ knockpy


$ git clone

edit knockpy/config.json add your virustotal API_KEY

"api": {


$ sudo python install

Knockpy -h

$ knockpy -h
usage: knockpy [-h] [-v] [--no-local] [--no-remote] [--no-http] [-w WORDLIST] [-o FOLDER] [-t SEC] domain

positional arguments:
  domain         target to scan

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  -v, --version  show program's version number and exit
  --no-local     local wordlist ignore
  --no-remote    remote wordlist ignore
  --no-http      http requests ignore

  --no-http-code CODE [CODE ...]
                 http code list to ignore

  -w WORDLIST    wordlist file to import
  -o FOLDER      report folder to store json results
  -t SEC         timeout in seconds


Full scan

$ knockpy

  • Attack type: dns + http(s) requests
  • Knockpy uses internal file wordlist.txt. If you want to use an external dictionary you can use the -w option and specify the path to your dictionary text file.
  • Knockpy also tries to get subdomains from google, duckduckgo, and virustotal. The results will be added to the general dictionary.
  • It is highly recommended to use a virustotal API_KEY which you can get for free. The best results always come from virustotal.
  • But, if you only want to work with local word lists, without search engines queries, you can add --no-remote to bypass remote recon.
  • If you want to ignore http(s) responses with specific code, you can use the --no-http-code option followed by the code list 404 500 530

Fast scan

$ knockpy --no-http

  • Attack type: dns
  • DNS requests only, no http(s) requests will be made. This way the response will be much faster and you will get the IP address and the Subdomain.
  • The subdomain will be cyan in color if it is an alias and in that case the real host name will also be provided.

Set timeout

$ knockpy -t 5

  • default timeout = 3 seconds.

Show report

$ knockpy domain.com_yyyy_mm_dd_hh_mm_ss.json

  • Show the report in the terminal.

Output folder

$ knockpy -o /path/to/new/folder

  • All scans are saved in the default folder knock_report that you can edit in the config.json file.
  • Alternatively, you can use the -o option to define the new folder path.


Knockpy is currently under development by @guelfoweb and it's released under the GPL 3 license.


Knock Subdomain Scan

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 100.0%