the-real-neil / florist

work with blooms the easy way

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Release and package stuff from a ROS project.

Q. What is this?

It's a couple of hacks scripts that automate the drudgery of blooming, building, and packaging (for debian) a given ROS project.

Q. What's ROS?

ROS is the robot operating system. In the ROS world, every package is a little cmake project (with sundry other bits that are beyond this discussion). To distribute your ROS-flavored thing in a way that pleases the OSRF oligarchy, you need to release, build, and package it with abhorrent special ROS tools.

Q. What tools?

bloom is the one that figures most prominently.

Bloom is a release automation tool, designed to make generating platform specific release artifacts from source projects easier. Bloom is designed to work best with catkin projects, but can also accommodate other types of projects.


Yes, it's designed to make package-building easier but falls far short of that lofty goal. It's finicky, slow, and actively hostile to package maintainers; more on that later.

At any rate, project bloom provides a bloom-release tool. bloom-release takes an "upstream" and produces a "release". You don't get any of this for free, mind you; there are strict constraints on what can be "bloomed" and doing it for a "fresh" package (one for which the corresponding -release repository does not yet exist) is a lot of preparatory work. The first time always hurts.

Q. What's this "upstream"?

The thing holding the source code of interest; i.e., the ROS project you want released as a package --- or, more often, several packages. As of this writing, the bloom-release tool can support an "Upstream URI" in one of four forms:

Upstream VCS Type:
    URI is a svn repository
    Upstream URI is a git repository
    Upstream URI is a hg repository
    Upstream URI is a tarball

The default, git, works really well as long as you don't use any of the following:

Because non-trivial software projects (read, "the ones I work on") often rely on submodules and LFS, this document hereafter assumes the Upstream URI references a tarball. By "tarball", what the bloom maintainers specifically mean is a gzip-compressed tar-archive with a .tar.gz file extension.

This repository can be hosted anywhere (even locally) and can be ... an archive (tar.gz only for now, but there are plans for and zip).


Yep, can't wait for that forthcoming support for tar.bzip and zip. At any rate, to play nice with bloom-release, your upstream needs to come correct vis-a-vis ROS standards. Your CMakeLists.txt and package.xml files have to be tightly disciplined and the whole thing must build and test cleanly --- preferrably with catkin.

Q. What's this "release"?

The release repository is embodiment for every release (thus far) of the upstream repository. It's usually a bare git repository with an embarrassingly large quantity of branches, each named for:

  • packaging methodology (e.g., rpm, debian)
  • ROS distribution (e.g., indigo, kinetic, melodic)
  • operating system distribution (e.g., trusty, xenial, bionic)
  • package name (e.g., ros_comm, sns_ik, orocos_kdl)

Within the given git repository victim destination, bloom-release will produce a branch for each element of the cartesian expansion of the aforementioned attributes.

Worse still, for a given package, every sub-project gets its own branch, too. For example, if you've bloomed sns_ik for ROS indigo to produce sns_ik-release, then the latter will contain the following branches:

  • debian/indigo/trusty/sns_ik
  • debian/indigo/trusty/sns_ik_examples
  • debian/indigo/trusty/sns_ik_kinematics_plugin
  • debian/indigo/trusty/sns_ik_lib

The result is a teeming plague of branches writhing over the git log --all --graph --oneline output, not unlike an infestation of maggots burrowing through a week-old roadkill.

Q. How do I make a release repository?

Use the origtar2bloom script in this project.

$ ./origtar2bloom -h
Usage: ./origtar2bloom [OPTION]... ORIG_TARBALL
Bloom the given ORIG_TARBALL into a local bare git release repository.

    -h                 print this usage and return success
    -C RELEASE_BARE    bloom into RELEASE_BARE (default: ${ORIG_TARBALL%.orig.tar*}.git)
    -R ROS_DISTRO      bloom for ROS_DISTRO (default: kinetic)
    -P PACKAGE_NAME    override package name (default: ${ORIG_TARBALL%%_*})
    -V FAKE_VERSION    override fake version (default: $(echo ${ORIG_TARBALL} | grep -Eo '[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+'))


    $ ./origtar2bloom rapidplan_0.1.2-118-gd75c1a7.orig.tar.gz

    $ ./origtar2bloom \
    >      -C rapidplan-release_0.1.2-118-gd75c1a7.git \
    >      rapidplan_0.1.2-118-gd75c1a7.orig.tar.gz

    $ ./origtar2bloom \
    >      -C rapidplan-release_0.1.2-118-gd75c1a7.git \
    >      -R kinetic \
    >      rapidplan_0.1.2-118-gd75c1a7.orig.tar.gz

    $ ./origtar2bloom \
    >      -C rapidplan-release_0.1.2-118-gd75c1a7.git \
    >      -R kinetic \
    >      -V 0.1.2 \
    >      rapidplan_0.1.2-118-gd75c1a7.orig.tar.gz

Q. How do I make debian artifacts?

Use the bloom2debs script in this project.

$ ./bloom2debs -h
Usage: ./bloom2debs [OPTION]... [CATKIN_PKG]...
Build debian package artifacts from a local "release".

    -h                 print this usage and return success
    -l                 list catkin packages in build order
    -U                 unsafe, sacrifice isolation to go faster
    -C RELEASE_BARE    run as if started in RELEASE_BARE (default: $PWD)
    -D DISTRIBUTION    override distribution (default: inferred from RELEASE_BARE)
    -R ROS_DISTRO      override ros_distro (default: inferred from RELEASE_BARE)
    -V NEW_VERSION     override the bloom-release version (default: inferred from RELEASE_BARE)


    RELEASE_BARE must be a valid git work tree directory and must contain
    branches of the form



        * debian/kinetic/xenial/ros_comm
        * debian/kinetic/xenial/sns_ik
        * debian/melodic/bionic/orocos_kdl

    Debian artifacts will be produced in /home/neil/code/florist


    $ ./bloom2debs -C rapidplan_1.1.0-237-ge3abac7.git

    $ ./bloom2debs -U -C rapidplan_1.1.0-237-ge3abac7.git


work with blooms the easy way


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