Faiz Mohammad's repositories
"Streamline your day with To-Do List Manager! This ES6 and Webpack-powered website allows effortless task organization and completion tracking.
Config files for my GitHub profile.
"Recreating Awesome books app with ES6 syntax and modular code structure."
This repository contains the code for practicing code review skills. It serves as a practice environment for conducting code reviews based on the steps outlined in the article "How to give a code review?
"Explore our JavaScript capstone project! Forge a unique webapp with a favored API. Design 2 interfaces.Features: likable item listing on home page, interactive pop-up for comments ."
"Leaderboard website for displaying and submitting player scores. Connects to Leaderboard API for 'Refresh' and 'Submit' actions. Utilizes Gitflow for version control. Priority on preserving user input and adding styling."
GitHub Repo: Gitflow Practice. Learn Gitflow, the branching model for efficient code collaboration. Empty repository for hands-on exercises, preparing you for future projects.
Creating experimental git repository for learning purpose.
"Math Magicians" is a math-focused SPA where users can perform calculations and discover random math quotes. Learn React by creating this interactive website for math enthusiasts.
"Math Magicians" is a math-focused SPA where users can perform calculations and discover random math quotes. Learn React by creating this interactive website for math enthusiasts.
"Explore React and Redux with this app: List, add, and remove books. A hands-on experience in building dynamic web applications."