Locus is a local, simple, append-only, in-memory vector database that wraps hnswlib.
Locus is:
- Simple.
- Portable, dump to file take it with you (and run it in a lambda).
- Scalable enough for a many use cases.
pip install locusdb
Example Code
Some example code to illustrate Locus' functionality.
import numpy as np
from locusdb import Config, Vector, Index
# create a new configuration
config = Config(max_elements=1000, ef_construction=200, M=16, dim=128, space="cosine", storage_location="index.db")
# create a new index instance
index = Index(dimensions=config.dim, config=config)
# create some random vectors
vectors = []
for i in range(10):
embedding = np.random.randn(config.dim)
data = {"id": i, "message": f"test message {i}"}
vector = Vector(embedding=embedding, data=data)
# add the vectors to the index
for vector in vectors:
# retrieve the closest vectors to a query embedding
query_embedding = np.random.randn(config.dim)
results = index.retrieve(query_embedding, number_of_results=3)
print(f"Matches: {results}")
print(f"Items in index: {index.count}")
# store the index on disk
# load the index from disk
new_index = Index.from_file(config.storage_location)