thapakazi / jruby

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CloudFactory development is heavily invested in jruby based micro/nano/macro/... services hence it makes sense to have base docker image at that ground.

Phusion base-image is already a powerful docker base image. It sparked some discussion within container/docker pundits by allowing the capability of running multiple processes within a container. README from official website/repository is filled with very thorough information but just in case you are skimming over, here's the highlights

  • INIT process /sbin/my_init which read from centralized environment variables directory /etc/container_environment. It also passes env vars correctly to forked processes.
  • logrotate that compresses and rotates log files
  • CRON for scheduled task inside containers
  • RUNIT as a process supervisor.

How is it different than official jruby docker image?

  • It is based on phusion-base image so all above features comes with it
  • jruby is installed and managed via ruby-install. ruby-install dynamically decides the required dependencies for jruby being installed.

All the Dockerfiles follow best practices too.
