thanhtantran / mining-versus-coin-on-Orange-Pi

Instruction to mining versus coin on Orange Pi

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Instruction to mining versus coin on Orange Pi

I have tested on Orange Pi 3 LTS and Orange Pi 4 LTS, it works and give you 1.5MH/s - 1.7MH/s each OPi.

I ran them on Ubuntu Focal from the manufacturer, so please install the OS first.

Then you need to install some files to run it, the file libssl1.1_1.1.1f-1ubuntu2_arm64.deb included in this github in case that you cannot download from, download to your OPi and execute

sudo dpkg -i libssl1.1_1.1.1f-1ubuntu2_arm64.deb

Orange Pi 4 LTS

sudo dpkg -i libssl1.1_1.1.1f-1ubuntu2_arm64.deb

Orange PI 3 LTS

sudo apt-get install libomp5 -y
sudo dpkg -i libssl1.1_1.1.1f-1ubuntu2_arm64.deb

Mining instruction

Then download the CCMiner-ARM-optimized from here

Both Orange Pi 3 LTS and Orange Pi 4 LTS using A53 so download the default miner

wget && sudo chmod +x ccminer-3.8.3-4_ARM

Start mining in screen by this command

screen -S versus -dm ./ccminer-3.8.3-4_ARM -a verus -o stratum+tcp:// -u RKJ24LAUcLr5ANzJ5Gpu2RQKoqocznfTg4.OPi3LTS-2 -t 3

In case your OS does not have screen, install it sudo apt install screen

The number after -t is the core you use, I suggest to use 3 cores of 4 cores of the OPi you have, running 4/4 cores will burn your board

The address after -u is your versus address

This is the example for vipor pool, choose your pool you are familiar with.

Happy mining with Orange Pi!

Donate me some VERUS to RKJ24LAUcLr5ANzJ5Gpu2RQKoqocznfTg4


Instruction to mining versus coin on Orange Pi