thanhbv / GodotGetNode

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C# GetNode for Godot 4.0+

C# equivalent to @onready in GDScript


Assume you have a Godot project in parentDir/MyProject/MyProject.csproj

  • clone GodotGetNode parentDir/GodotGetNode
  • Add to MyProject.csproj:
  <ProjectReference Include="..\GodotGetNode\GodotGetNode.csproj"


  • Add GetNode attribute to a field
public partial class MyNode : Node {
    [GetNode] Control _node1;
    [GetNode] Label node2;
    [GetNode] Button Node3;
    [GetNode("%")] Label _node4;
    [GetNode("%CustomePath")] Label node5;
    [GetNode("Custome/Path/Label")] Label node6;
    [GetNode("_node1.") Label _node7;

=> generated code:

partial class MyNode {
    public MyNode() { TreeEntered += GetNodes; }
    public void GetNodes() {
        // Case 1: [GetNode] without params
        // NodePath: strip '_' prefix and change first char to upper case
        _node1 = GetNode<Control>("Node1"); // _node1 -> Node1
        node2 = GetNode<Label>("Node2"); // node2 -> Node2
        Node3 = GetNode<Button>("Node3"); // Node3 -> Node3 (same)
        // Case 2: [GetNode("%")] -> Add '%' (unique) prefix
        _node4 = GetNode<Label>("%Node4");
        // Case 3: [GetNode(custom_path)] -> Use custom_path as is
        node5 = GetNode<Label>("%CustomePath");
        node6 = GetNode<Label>("Custome/Path/Label");
        // Case 4: [GetNode(parentVar.path)] ->
        //  + Use GetNode on `parentVar` instead of `this`
        //  + path can be empty or have % prefix or be a custom_path like in cases 1,2,3
        _node7 = _node1.GetNode<Label>("Node7");
  • Add [NoAutoGetNodes] if you don't want to generate the constructor:
[NoAutoGetNodes] public partial class MyNode : Node {
    [GetNode] Control _node1;
    public override void _Ready() {
        // don something with _node

Generated code:

partial class MyNode {
    public void GetNodes() {
        _node1 = GetNode<Control>("Node1");

See also: 31/GodotOnReady#49



Language:C# 100.0%