thamar-solorio / naacl-schedule-2019

Data files used to create the schedules for the NAACL 2019 website and the app.

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NAACL-HLT 2019 Schedule Data & Code

This repository contains the data files and processing code that are used to prepare the data used to populate the schedules in both the NAACL 2019 official website as well as the official Whova app.

This is a separate repository since it makes it much easier to use it as a git submodule in both the website as well as the app repositories. This will allow syncing any changes in the data files much easier.


The contents of this repository live under two main directories: code and data. The data directory contains the processed files that are needed to produce the schedules and the code directory contains code to produce those files and also parse/read those files. Some of this code is meant for use in the website/app repositories that will use this repository as a submodule.

Setting Up

In order to run the code in this repository, you first need to create a conda environment. First you should install miniconda. Once you have it installed, run the following to create the Python environment:

conda create -n naacl2019 -c conda-forge --file requirements.txt

This will create a conda environment called naacl2019 which you will need to "activate" before running any of the code. To activate this environment, run:

conda activate naacl2019

Producing Schedule Data

Although most of the process for producing the data files needed for the schedule is automated, there is a manual part as well.

First Time Automated Extraction

The automated extraction uses code/ This script extracts the relevant files from the data files that are provided by the NAACL 2019 pub chairs. The pub chairs provided a directory on Google Drive containing the following files:

Assuming that directory has been downloaded to a path contained in the environment variable $INPUTDIR, this script should be run as follows:

python code/ $INPUTDIR data

This will create a data directory at the same level as the code directory. This directory will contain three sub-directories: xml, order, mapping. These sub-directories contain the following files:

  • xml : {N19,W19,S19}.xml, the XML files containing the author metadata, abstract, and anthology links for all papers being presented at the conference, workshops, and other co-located events.
  • order : <session>_order, where <session> is the name of the various tracks, workshops, and co-located events. For example, papers_order is the order file for the main track papers, industry_order is the order file for the industry track papers, cmcl_order is the order file for the CMCL workshop, etc.
  • mapping : <session>_id_map.txt, where <session> is the name of the various tracks, workshops, and co-located events. Each such file contains the mapping between the ACL Anthology IDs and the START IDs for the papers. This mapping is necessary to be able to make a bridge between the paper times (contained in the order files) and the paper metadata (contained in the XML files above).

Note: This script is only meant to be run one time; after the first run manual changes may be made to the order and XML files which will get overwritten if this script is run again.

Manual Steps

The following manual steps are also required.

1. Combined Order File

It is simpler to have a single order file representing the entirety of the main conference including main track papers, industry track papers, demo papers, and SRW papers. Since such a file was not provided for NAACL 2019, I had to manually create it. To do so, I did the following:

  • Take the order file provided by the program chairs. Technically, we should be using the extracted file data/order/papers_order. However, this file does not contain the themes for the poster sessions. Therefore, we need to start with the order file provided by the PCs which does contain this information. Let's denote this file as M.

  • For each of the extracted files data/order/industry_order, data/order/demos_order, data/order/tutorials2019_order, and data/order/srw_order, manually take each paper entry in that order file and add it to M in the right time slot. Since the START IDs for the various components of the main conference are usuall independent, add a suffix, e.g. -demos, -srw, industry, -tutorial, etc., after the paper ID to prevent any accidental overlaps. Note that TACL paper IDs should have a -tacl suffix.

This combined order file was then saved as data/order/manually_combined_order. This file now supersedes data/order/papers_order, data/order/industry_order, data/order/demos_order, data/order/tutorials2019_order, and data/order/srw_order. Any changes needed subsequent to this should be made directly to this file.

Other changes might include adding the social event as a plenary session, removing the names of keynote speakers from the session titles (see section below for additional plenary session data), etc.

2. Combined Mapping File

It's also equally convenient to have a single id_map.txt file for the entire main conference event. To do this, we start with data/mapping/papers_id_map.txt and the manually add in the entries from data/mapping/industry_id_map.txt, data/mapping/demos_id_map.txt, data/mapping/tutorials2019_id_map.txt, and data/mapping/srw_id_map.txt. You will need to modify the START IDs from each mapping file to have the same suffixes as in the previous section (e.g., -demos for the demo IDs, etc.) so as to make lookup easier.

3. Non-anthology Metadata File

For most of the items in the schedule, the titles and authors are supposed to be provided by the N19.XML file which is the file used by the ACL anthology. However, there are instances when the anthology does not contain all of the items in the schedule. One example is TACL papers that have been chosen by their authors to be presented at the conference. Such papers may not show in the anthology on time and, therefore, their titles and authors may not be included in the XML file. Another example is non-archival papers for the student research workshop (SRW). They may be included as posters in the schedule but their metadata is, again, not included in the XML file since they are non-arhival.

To handle such cases where the anthology XML file may not have the metadata we need, we need to manually create a file that does. This file should be created by the program chairs and should be a tab-separated file with the following fields: paper IDs, titles, and authors. The IDs should be the same as they are in the manually combined order file above, i.e., TACL paper IDs should have the -tacl suffix, SRW ones should have the -srw suffix, etc.

For NAACL 2019, this file is located at data/non-anthology-metadata.tsv. Any changes to the titles and authors for these papers should be made directly to this file.

4. Info for Plenary Sessions

We may also want to display a blurb/abstract and other info for plenary sessions on the website and in the app, e.g., keynote sessions, panels, business meetings etc. For this, we create another TSV file with the following 6 fields:

  • session : contains a part of the name of the plenary session (enough to locate it programmatically)
  • abstract : contains the blurb for the plenary session
  • person : contains an optional person for the plenary session
  • person_url : contains an optional person URL for the plenary session
  • pdf_url : contains an optional PDF URL for the plenary session
  • video_url : contains an optional video URL for the plenary session

Only the session and abstract fields are required. The person and person_url fields are mainly to be used for keynotes.

We do not use this file in any code in this repository but simply provide it to the app and website repositories that will use this repository as a submodule. This file is located at data/plenary-info.tsv.

5. Modified Workshop Order Files

The order files produced by workshop chairs (data/order/X_order, for all X except papers, demos, tutorials, srw, since those are handled in the manually combined order file above) will likely need manual modification. These files are usually generated using START are usually not compatible with the order-file semantics expected by this parser (see next section). Therefore, manual changes may need to be made to the workshop order files to conform to these semantics.

Parsing the Order File

IMPORTANT: Every single item in the order file being parsed must be in chronological order for the parsing below to work. This should not be an issue since the name "order file" indicates that this assumption is already being met.


This parser assumes the following semantics for the order file:

  • Lines denoting presentation sessions (sessions that contain items to be presented e.g., posters, papers, tutorials) should begin with a =. This also applies to plenary presentation sessions.
  • Lines denoting non-presentation plenary sessions (breaks, keynotes, panel discussions, etc.) should begin with a !.
  • Lines denoting session groups, i.e., groups of parallel sessions should begin with a +. Note that + cannot be used for any other sessions, only session groups. For example, the session group Session 1: Long Orals / Long & Short Posters contains sessions 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 1E, and 1F in data/order/manually_combined_order.
  • Lines denoting actual presentation items (papers, posters, tutorials) should begin with either just a number or a number with a hyphenated suffix, e.g., 23-tacl. The suffix usually indicates the type of paper/poster (demo, tutorial, TACL, etc.).
  • Lines denoting poster topics/themes should begin with an @ and only within poster sessions. These are optional. For examples, see data/order/manually_combined_order.


The module code/ is an object-oriented parser for *ACL-style conference order files. It parses the order file to create an Agenda object which is a collection of Day objects which in turn contain either Session or SessionGroup objects. Session objects are used to represent conference session where as SessionGroup objects are used for a group of parallel track sessions. Therefore, a SessionGroup object also contains Session objects. Each Session object also contains Item objects which refer to presentation items (papers/posters/tutorials).

This module is meant to be used with a complete order file, e.g., the manually combined order file described abovee and contained in data/order/manually_combined_order. A Python session illustrating the use of this module is shown below:

from pprint import pprint
from orderfile import Agenda
agenda = Agenda()

# look at the days in agenda
print('Days in agenda:')

# look at the contents of day 2
print('Day 2 contents:')

# look at the items in a session in a session group on day 4
print('Items in a session in a session group:')

The output of the above commands is as follows:

Days in agenda:
[Day <Sunday, June 02, 2019>,
 Day <Monday, June 03, 2019>,
 Day <Tuesday, June 04, 2019>,
 Day <Wednesday, June 05, 2019>]

Day 2 contents:
[Session 9:00--9:30 <type=plenary, title=Land Acknowledgments, Opening Remarks and Janyce Weibe and Richard Kittredge Remembrances, room=Nicollet Grand Ballroom>,
 Session 9:30--10:30 <type=plenary, title=Keynote 1: Arvind Narayanan "Data as a Mirror of Society: Lessons from the Emerging Science of Fairness in Machine Learning", room=Nicollet Grand Ballroom>,
 Session 10:30--11:00 <type=break, title=Coffee Break>,
 SessionGroup 11:00--12:30 <Oral Sessions (long papers) and Posters (long and short papers)>,
 Session 12:30--13:00 <type=break, title=Grab your lunch break>,
 Session 13:00--14:30 <type=plenary, title=Careers in NLP Panel, room=Nicollet Grand Ballroom, chair=Philip Resnik>,
 Session 14:30--15:00 <type=break, title=Coffee Break>,
 SessionGroup 15:00--16:30 <Oral sessions (short papers), Posters (long and short papers), and Demos>,
 Session 16:30--17:00 <type=break, title=Coffee Break>,
 SessionGroup 17:00--18:30 <Oral sessions (long papers)  and Posters (long and short papers)>]

Items in a session in a session group:
[Paper <id=734, track=main>,
 Paper <id=1626, track=main>,
 Paper <id=1770, track=main>,
 Paper <id=2300, track=main>,
 Paper <id=2480, track=main>]

For more details on how this module works, run import orderfile; help(orderfile) at a Python prompt and examine the comprehensive comments in the source code. One important thing to note is that since the order file is already in chronological order, we don't really need to do much sorting in the code. We can simply iterate over Agenda.days and then iterate over Day.contents since things will already in chronological order. Even the session groups contain the parallel tracks in the right order.

Obtaining Metadata

The order files (including the manually combined one) are not supposed to contain paper titles, authors, abstracts, and anthology URLs which is metadata that we need for the website and the app. Therefore, to get this metadata, we usually rely on the anthology XML files extracted above: (N19.xml for the main conference, W19.xml for the workshops and S19.xml for the co-located *SEM conference).

However, these anthology files use entirely different IDs that have nothing to do with the IDs that are in the order files (which come from START). Therefore, we need to use the mapping files extracted above (*_id_map.txt) and particularly the manually combined ID mapping file to create a bridge between the order file IDs and the anthology metadata.

It may not always be the case that the anthology contains all of the metadata we need. See the section on "Non-anthology Metadata File" above. Therefore, we need to be able to use both the XML files and this non-anthology TSV file.

The module code/ can be used to obtain the metadata needed for order file entries. This module takes XML files, mapping files, as well as non-anthology metadata TSV files as input and returns an instance of a ScheduleMetadata object which can then be used to look up metadata for any given paper either through its order file ID or even through its anthology ID. A Python session illustrating the use of this module is shown below:

from metadata import ScheduleMetadata

# create a ScheduleMetadata object
sm = ScheduleMetadata.fromfiles(xmls=['../data/xml/N19.xml'], mappings=['../data/mapping/manually_combined_id_map.txt'], non_anthology_tsv='../data/non-anthology-metadata.tsv')

# look up metadata via order file ID

# look up metadat via anthology ID

The above session returns the following output:

MetadataTuple(title='Deep Learning for Natural Language Inference', authors=['Samuel Bowman', 'Xiaodan Zhu'], abstract='This tutorial discusses cutting-edge research on NLI, including recent advance on dataset development, cutting-edge deep learning models, and highlights from recent research on using NLI to understand capabilities and limits of deep learning models for language understanding and reasoning.', anthology_url='')

MetadataTuple(title='Deep Learning for Natural Language Inference', authors=['Samuel Bowman', 'Xiaodan Zhu'], abstract='This tutorial discusses cutting-edge research on NLI, including recent advance on dataset development, cutting-edge deep learning models, and highlights from recent research on using NLI to understand capabilities and limits of deep learning models for language understanding and reasoning.', anthology_url='')


Data files used to create the schedules for the NAACL 2019 website and the app.


Language:Python 100.0%