thadk / documentcloud-plugins-poc

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

DocumentCloud Add-On Example

This repository contains an example Add-On for DocumentCloud. It is designed to be forked and modified to allow one to easily write Add-Ons to bring custom functionality to DocumentCloud.


This file contains a base class AddOn, which implements shared functionality for all DocumentCloud Add-Ons to use. In most cases, you should not need to edit this file. You will subclass this class in

Upon initializing this class, it parses the JSON passed in as an argument, and populates a number of member variables.

  • client - A DocumentCloud client. This is a python library ( allowing easy access to the DocumentCloud API. It will be configured with the access token passed in, which gives you access to the API as the user who activated the Add-On for 5 minutes. (NOTE: we may need a way to pass in a refresh token if Add-Ons need to run for more than 5 minutes)

  • id - a UUID to identify this run. This is used to update progress, status and upload files for this particular run of the Add-On. This will be None if called from the script.

  • documents - A list of document IDs selected when the Add-On was activated

  • query - The search query which was active when the Add-On was activated

  • user_id - The user ID of the user who activated this run of the Add-On.

  • org_id - The organization ID of the active organization of the user who activated this run of the Add-On.

  • data - The Add-On specific data.

There are also some methods which provide useful functionality for an Add-On.

  • set_progress(self, progress) - This takes a single integer argument between 0 and 100 which represents the percent of progress the Add-On run has made, to inform the user of the progress. As it takes some time to be shown to the user, this is primarily of use for long running Add-Ons.

  • set_message(self, message) - Takes a string of max length 255 characters. This sets a status message to let the user know what the status of the Add-On run is. Similar to set_progress, it is mostly useful for long running Add-Ons.

  • upload_file(self, file) - Takes a file object to attach to this Add-On run. This will be presented to the user for download. This is useful for Add-Ons which want to return data such as a CSV file or other exports of data to the user. It is currently limited to one file per run, so please ZIP your files if you need to return more than one.

  • send_mail(self, subject, content) - This is used to email yourself at the email address associated with your DocumentCloud account. This can be used to send a notification when an Add-On run is complete or just to send additional information to the user who ran the Add-On. It takes two character strings, one for the subject and one for the body content of the email. The content is plain text and does not currently support Markdown or HTML.

This is the file to edit to implement your Add-On specific functionality. You should define a class which inherits from AddOn from Then you can instantiate a new instance and call the main method, which is the entry point for your Add-On logic. You may access the data parsed by AddOn as well as using the helper methods defined there. The HelloWorld example Add-On demonstrates using many of these features.

If you need to add more files, remember to instantiate the main Add-On class from a file called - that is what the GitHub action will call with the Add-On parameters upon being dispatched.


This is a standard pip requirements.txt file. It allows you to specify python packages to be installed before running the Add-On. You may add any dependencies your Add-On has here. By default we install the python-documentcloud API library and the requests HTTP request package.

This is a test runner script, which will allow you to easily pass data in the correct format into, allowing you to run the Add-On locally, useful for development purposes. It requires your DocumentCloud username and password, which is used to fetch an access token. They can be passed in as command line arguments (--username and --password), or in environment variables (DC_USERNAME and DC_PASSWORD).

You can also pass in a list of document IDs (--documents), a search query (--query), and JSON parameters for your Add-On (--params) - be sure to properly quote your JSON at the command line.

Example invocation:

python --documents 123 --params '{"name": "World"}'


This is the GitHub Actions configuration file. We have a very simple workflow defined, which sets up python, installes dependencies and runs the to start the Add-On. It should not need to be edited in most cases, unless you have an advanced use case. If you do edit it, you should leave the first step in place, which uses the UUID as its name, to allow DocumentCloud to identify the run.

It would be possible to make a similar workflow for other programming languages if one wanted to write Add-Ons in a language besides python.


Full parameter reference

This is a reference of all of the data passed in to the Add-On. A single JSON object is passed in to as a quoted string. The init and load_params functions parse this out and convert it to useful python objects for your main function to use. The following are the top level keys in the object.

  • token - An access token which will be valid for 5 minutes, giving you API access authorized as the user who activated the plugin. The init function uses this value to configure the DocumentCloud client object.

  • base_uri - This can be used to point the API server to other instances, such as our internal staging server. It should not be used unless you are running your own instance of DocumentCloud. It is also used in the initialization of the DocumentCloud client.

  • documents - This is the list of Document IDs which is passed in to main

  • query - This is the search query which is passed in to main

  • data - This is the Add-On specific data, as defined when registering the Add-On with DocumentCloud. It is passed in to main in the params dictionary under the key data

  • user and organization - The user ID and organiation ID of the user who activated the Add-On. They are also passed in to main through the params dictionary under the keys user and organization respectively.

  • id - A UUID to uniquely identify this Add-On run. It allows DocumentCloud to identify the run, as well as allowing the run to send back progress, status message and file updates.



Language:Python 100.0%