This repo contains three datasets to evaluate ML models. The three variants of the dataset are
- MNIST_Add: Given three MNIST digits, output their sum
- MNIST_Mult: Given three MNIST digits, output their sum
- MNIST_MA: (Stands for Mult-Add), given three MNIST digits output the product of the first two plus the final one.
The datasets can be created in the following way:
mnist_add_dataset = MNIST_Add("path/to/save/mnist/images")
Each element of the dataset has four elements, the first is the id of the element (useful when looking at elements that have been shuffled in a dataloader), the second is the raw MNIST images, the third are the latent labels for each image and the final label is the downstream answer to the task.
Example usage:
dataloader_train = DataLoader(
MNIST_Mult(MNIST_PATH), batch_size=16)
dataloader_val = DataLoader(
MNIST_Mult(MNIST_PATH, dataset_type="val"), batch_size=16)
def batches_to_examples(*batch_x):
""" Turns a list of batches into a batch of lists"""
N, *R = tensors[0].shape
interleaved_tensor = torch.hstack([t.unsqueeze(1) for t in tensors])
return interleaved_tensor.view(N * len(tensors), *R)
for i, (_, xs, _, y) in enumerate(dataloader):
nn_x = batches_to_examples(*xs).reshape(-1, 3, 28, 28)
num_examples = nn_x.shape(0)
nn_out = model(nn_x)
nn_y = model.activation(nn_out).view(num_examples, -1)
loss = loss_fn(nn_out, y)
running_nn_acc += (nn_y.argmax(axis=1) == y).float().sum()