tgrosinger / recent-files-obsidian

Display a list of most recently opened files

Repository from Github https://github.comtgrosinger/recent-files-obsidianRepository from Github https://github.comtgrosinger/recent-files-obsidian

Recent Files for Obsidian

This plugin displays a list of most recently opened files in the sidebar. Optionally, exclude certain paths, frontmatter tags, or bookmarked files.

That's all there is to it!

As with the file explorer view, you can:

  • Click items to open, ctrl-click to open in a new pane, right-click for a menu
  • Drag items to an editor to drop a link, to a header to open in a specific pane, or to a file explorer folder to move the file
  • Hover or ctrl-hover to view a content preview (as configured by the "Recent Files" toggle in the "Page Preview" settings)



Other Plugin Support

If you use the Front Matter Title plugin, enable the explorer module to name files in the Recent Files sidebar from the note frontmatter title.


This plugin is provided to everyone for free, however if you would like to say thanks or help support continued development, feel free to send a little my way through one of the following methods:

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Display a list of most recently opened files

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:TypeScript 91.2%Language:JavaScript 8.1%Language:CSS 0.8%