tgjones / gemini

Gemini is an IDE framework similar in concept to the Visual Studio Shell. It uses AvalonDock and has an MVVM architecture based on Caliburn Micro.

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Gemini ToolBox Filtering and Sorting

deepakguptamum opened this issue · comments

Hi ,

There is no feature of searching in ToolBox to quickly find the toolitems

Also there is no way for sorting the ToolBox Items (like which group item to show on top and sort it accordingly)

Can you please incorporate or let me know how to do it?

Thank you!!

as one of the solutions you can add new property to ToolboxItemAttribute attribute, ToolboxItem and ToolboxItemViewModel classes. For example

int SortRank {get;set;}

After that you can sort your BindableCollection _items; in different ways. In ViewModel code or in XAML.
Please, see this examples

If there is any possibility of adding a textbox like it is there in Property Grids in the toolbox so that i can search the particular elements

I added a search in 5921a97 and requested pull #286

I am using nuget so how to include this changes of filtering toolbox

this wont work with nuget. you have to wait for a new nuget release, if that change will be approved, or download the source and change it there manually.

Ohh ok let me know. When the nuget is available or if replacing dll or any other solution would work for this or I can override toolboxmodel

Please let me know how to explicitly include or any other work around so that it can be used

I tried with changing the code and building the Gemini DLL and removing the reference and adding reference of Gemini DLL Build ,but it gives a lot of errors when loading at runtime ,so please let me know any alternative way where i can use this functionality

That's because the master branch in this repo is miles ahead of the nuget version. You need to rebuild all of your used modules with the updated gemini version.
Clone this Repo or my fork where the update is already in. Open the soulution file with Visual Studio and build the whole project. Maybe delete unnecessary modules. For Reference either add those projects to your solution and reference via build dependencies or via "Add Reference" in your project tree.

Thank you for the answers ,I have build the Gemini DLL and added Gu Localization DLL and also replaced Mahapps.Metro DLL and maded specific version property to false and finally made it working.