tgfischer / Shareff-Back-End

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



  1. Download and install PostgreSQL 9.6 to your local machine, which will be used for your development environment
  2. Start PostgreSQL database from your command line, and set up your database
  3. Set the environment variables that are required for the project. To do this, open up your bash command line, and run setx <ENV_VAR> <VALUE> (e.g. setx PGUSER "postgres").
  4. PGUSER - This is the username that you use to log into your PostgreSQL sandbox on your machine. It is probably 'postgres'
  5. PGDATABASE - This is the database that you created in your PostgreSQL sandbox
  6. PGPASSWORD - This is the password that you use to log into your PostgreSQL sandbox on your machine
  7. PGHOST - This is the host for your PostgreSQL sandbox, so you can connect to it from Shareff
  8. PGPORT - This is the port that your PostgreSQL sandbox is running on
  9. JWT_SECRET - This is your JSON Web Token secret, so you can sign JWTs for authentication
  10. GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY - This is the API key for Google Maps. I'll message it to everyone
  11. INFO_EMAIL_USERNAME - This is the email username being used for sending our email notifications.
  12. INFO_EMAIL_PASSWORD - This is the passward for the email account we are using to send notifications.
  13. STRIPE_API_KEY - This is the stripe token, set the value as this: sk_test_rFLCN6uHUJ4YAbD7U3xRCi9Y

Running the application

  1. There are 3 scripts:
  2. npm start dev - Sets the NODE_ENV environment variable to development
  3. npm start prod - Sets the NODE_ENV environment variable to production
  4. npm start test - Currently does nothing (TODO)

Credit Card numbers you can use for signing up

  2. Or use this Visa number: 4111111111111111



Language:JavaScript 100.0%