tgachet / symdocker

🐳 An extendable multistage PHP Symfony 4.3+ Docker Image for Production and Development.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

🐳 An extendable multistage PHP Symfony 4.3+ Docker Image for Production and Development

A Base Template Image to be added to your Symfony Application.

contributions welcome PHP 7^ Apache 2.4^ Symfony 4^ GitHub forks GitHub issues GitHub license


Docker Image for Symfony 4.3+ Application running on Apache 2.4 based on PHP Official Image. This image should be used as a base image for your Symfony Project, and you shall extend and edit it according to your app needs. The Image utilizes docker's multistage builds to create multiple targets optimized for production and development.

You should copy this repositoryDockerfile, .docker Directory, Makefile, and .dockerignore to your Symfony application repository and configure it to your needs.

Main Points πŸ“œ

  • Production Image is a fully contained Image with source code and dependencies inside, Development image is set up for mounting source code on runtime to allow development and debugging using the container.

  • Image configuration is transparent, you can view and modify any of Apache's *.conf files, PHP *.ini files or Entrypoint *.sh scripts in the .docker directory.

  • Apache SSL is enabled, and hence run HTTP and HTTPS endpoints, with HTTPS it uses self-signed certificate generated at runtime. however, for production you'll need to mount your own signed certificates to /etc/apache2/certs amd overwrite defaults.

  • Image tries to fail at build time as much as possible by running all sort of Checks.

  • Dockerfile is arranged for optimize builds, so that changed won't invalidate cache as much as possible.

  • As Symfony 4+ Uses Environment Variables for parameters, and only passing environment variables to the container is enough to be read by symfony. (no need to pass them through Apache2 conf too).



Get Template

1. Generate Repo from this Template

  1. Download This Repository
  2. Copy Dockerfile, .docker Directory, Makefile, and .dockerignore Into your Symfony Application Repository.
  3. Modify Dockerfile to your app needs, and add your app needed PHP Extensions and Required Packages.
  4. Situational:
    • If you will use Makefile and Docker-Compose: go to .docker/.composer/.env and modify SERVER_NAME to your app's name.
    • If you will expose SSL port to Production: Mount your signed certificates server.crt & server.key to /etc/apache2/certs. Also make sure SERVER_NAME build ARG matches Certificate's Common Name.
  5. run make up for development or make deploy for production.


create repository from template

And start from step 3..

Building Image

  1. The image is to be used as a base for your Symfony application image, you should modify its Dockerfile to your needs.

  2. The image come with a handy Makefile to build the image using Docker-Compose files, it's handy when manually building the image for development or in a not-orchestrated docker hosts. However in an environment where CI/CD pipelines will build the image, they will need to supply some build-time arguments for the image. (tho defaults exist.)

Build Time Arguments

ARG Description Default
PHP_VERSION PHP Version used in the Image 7.3.9
COMPOSER_VERSION Composer Version used in Image 1.9.0
SERVER_NAME Server Name (In production, and using SSL, this must match certificate's common name) php-app
COMPOSER_AUTH A Json Object with Bitbucket or Github token to clone private Repos with composer. Reference {}

Runtime Environment Variables

ENV Description Default
APP_ENV App Environment - prod for Production image
- dev for Development image
APP_DEBUG Enable Debug - 0 for Production image
- 1 for Development image

Tips for building Image in different environments


  1. For SSL: Mount your signed certificates as secrets to /etc/apache2/certs/server.key & /etc/apache2/certs/server.crt
  2. Make sure build argument SERVER_NAME matches certificate's common name.
  3. Expose container port 80 and 443.

You can disable SSL by modifying site.conf in .docker/conf/apache2 config if you don't need HTTPS or is having it using a front loadbalancer/proxy.

By default, Image has a generated self-signed certificate for SSL connections added at run time.


  1. Mount source code root to /var/www/app
  2. Expose container port 8080 and 443. (or whatever you need actually)


1. PHP Extensions, Dependencies, and Configuration

Modify PHP Configuration

  1. PHP prod Configuration .docker/conf/php/php-prod.iniπŸ”—
  2. PHP dev Configuration .docker/conf/php/php-dev.iniπŸ”—
  3. PHP additional Symfony recommended configuration at .docker/conf/php/symfony.ini πŸ”—

Add Packages needed for PHP runtime

Add Packages needed for PHP runtime in this section of the Dockerfile.

# ---------------- Install Packages Needed Inside Base Image ------------------
RUN apt-get -yqq update && apt-get -yqq --no-install-recommends install \
    # -----  Needed for PHP -----------------
    # - Please define package version too ---
    curl=7.52\* \
    # ---------------------------------------
    && apt-get -qq autoremove --purge -y  \
    && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/* /var/tmp/*

Add & Enable PHP Extensions

Add PHP Extensions using docker-php-ext-install <extensions...> or pecl install <extensions...> and Enable them by docker-php-ext-enable <extensions...> in this section of the Dockerfile.

# --------------------- Install / Enable PHP Extensions ------------------------
RUN docker-php-ext-install opcache && pecl install memcached && docker-php-ext-enable memcached

At build time, Image will run composer check-platform-reqs to check that PHP and extensions versions match the platform requirements of the installed packages.

2. Apache Configuration

  1. Apache defaults are all defined in .docker/conf/apache2/apache2.conf πŸ”—
  2. Site configurations are defined in .docker/conf/apache2/main.conf πŸ”— and default using optimized recommended config by Symfony.
  3. Virtualhost configurations are defined in .docker/conf/apache2/site.conf πŸ”— that configure both HTTP and HTTPS hosts and Include main.confπŸ”— to keep things DRY.

At build time, Image will run apachectl configtest to check Apache config file syntax is OK.

3. Post Deployment Custom Scripts

Post Installation scripts should be configured in composer.json in the post-install-cmd part.

However, Sometimes, some packages has commands that need to be run on startup, that are not compatible with composer, provided in the image a shell script post-deployment.shπŸ”— that will be executed after deployment. Special about this file that it comes loaded with all OS Environment variables as well as defaults from .env and .env.${APP_ENV} files. so it won't need a special treatment handling parameters.

It is still discouraged to be used if it's possible to run these commands using composer scripts.

Misc Notes

  • Apache will output logs on container's stdout, and your application shall do this too. Read about 12factor/logs
  • As Symfony 4+ Uses Environment Variables for parameters, and only passing environment variables to the container is enough to be read by symfony. (no need to pass them through Apache2 conf too).
  • During Build, Image will run composer dump-autoload and composer dump-env to optimize for performance.


MIT License Copyright (c) 2019 Sherif Abdel-Naby


PR(s) are Open and welcomed.

This image has so little to do with Symfony itself and more with Setting up a PHP Website with Apache, hence it can be extended for other PHP Frameworks (e.g Laravel, etc). maybe if you're interested to build a similar image for another framework we can collaborate.

Possible Ideas

  • Add a slim image with supervisor(and no apache) for running consumers.
  • Add a slim image with cron tab(and no apache) for cron job instances.
  • Add node build stage that compiles javascript.
  • Recreate the image for Symfony 3^
  • Recreate the image for Laravel


🐳 An extendable multistage PHP Symfony 4.3+ Docker Image for Production and Development.

License:MIT License


Language:Dockerfile 59.0%Language:Shell 27.1%Language:Makefile 13.9%