tfpickard / cli

Cli Configuration to be worked on terminal and compatible with TTy based for Arch Linux

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Cli Configuration

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This is my cli configuration mostly tried to keep it keyboard driven and much focused to be working on TTY.

Seprating Cli from all other config to make sure that can easily setup this on any system Independent of GUI. Quickly able to run on TTY too.


Starship prompt (Just will be changing many times)


fzf preview using the preview script in bin/ ueberzugpp is a dependency for my configuration should work fine on xorg and wayland

zsh-img zsh-comp


My zsh config have auto-completions that gives ghost text preview can be selected using the keymap ctrl-l Pressing tab for command completion will show fzf to complete the command args. jk will switch to vim mode in the shell prompt.

Fzf Mapping

  • ctrl-r to search history.
  • ctrl-t to search files in current directory.
  • alt-c to search directory.
    • ctrl-space multiple selection.
    • ctrl-/ unselect selection.

ctrl-/ Aur package install


ctrl-alt-/ Aur package uninstall




yay -S --needed \
    rustup python python-pip nodejs go \
    zsh-completion-git bash-complete-alias bash-completion \
    fd ripgrep shellcheck-bin shfmt advcpmv pistol-git bat exa git glow urlview git-secret trash-cli fzf xstow ttf-jetbrains-mono-nerd zoxide \
    w3m zip unzip unrar vim \
    zellij tmux urlview
git clone ~/.cli-dots
cd ~/.cli-dots
xstow */ -t ~ -force


Quick vim setup for TTY. if don't want to setup whole shell

curl > ~/.vimrc


These are the some utilities that i reccomend to have.

  • fzf Fuzzy finder gives god like navigation and other powers if used correctly.

    • fd simple sexy faster find
    • rg someone said this is better grep (so just have it)
  • lunarvim Nvim with less efforts (i have my own)

  • exa Better ls

  • bat cat command with wings

  • git Git cli

  • rclone Rclone cloud drive mounter

  • zellij Oh yeah this makes split in TTY (A multiplexer) Just u need it you don't know but u do. (I felt it is buggy)

    • urlview access urls available in tmux view
  • tmux Oh yeah this makes split in TTY (A multiplexer) Just u need it you don't know but u do. (no sixel but my preview with ueberzugpp works)

  • simplehttp Simple go utility to host folder on a network.

  • zsh Shell on steroid (bounded by ur vision)

    • starhip Prompt on Steroid

    • zoxide Lazy cd.

      Plugins and all is already managed in .zshconfig by znap.

      zsh-vi-mode This plugin overrides fzf keymaps and someother zsh stuff. so sourcing a different file zvm_after_init_commands+=('. file)

  • Other pkgs like

    • Bash completions
    • Zsh completions
  • Arch Specific

    • pkgfile
    • pkg conf
    • yay Aur helper.

Make sure to have go, python, nodejs, rustup is installed. ensure getting rust setup after installing rustup. also ensure that pip npm cargo are available and working.

  • Note

    For node js I prefer to use fnm


The keymaps are purely based on vim keymaps.

Leader key

Leader is a key type when pressed then it waits for the next key combo to be pressed to execute instructions.

Tool Leader
Lunarvim space
zellij c-a (Control-a)


These are some basic keymap patterns can be seen around.

j and k keys to move up and down h and l keys to move left right

More specific tool mapping will be present inside the tool config.


Make sure to press Leader, Shift+I to install plugins

Leader key Ctrl-a

keymaps action
leader,v split vertical
leader,s split horizontal
leader,r Reload Config
leader,m Maximize pane
leader,j,k,l,h Resize pane
leader,v visual mode in vim keymaps
leader,c-h,c-j,c-k,c-l Pane switcher switches pane with nvim too
Floating terminal


Leader key Ctrl-a

keymaps action
leader,v split vertical
leader,s split horizontal
leader,r Rename Tab
leader,m Maximize pane
leader,J,K,L,H Resize pane
leader,e Open terminal in editor buffer
leader,f Floating terminal
leader,h,j,k,l Pane switcher switches pane


jk for switching to normal mode from insert mode. c-s saving buffer leader,q to quit vim

Use Leader,S,k to list all keymappings.

GPG [Note for me]

Download the private.key from google-drive gpg --import private.key


Read xstow manual But in short don't miss -t ~ as it forces it's target to home dir if wanna include only single module you can do xstow <module> -t ~


Cli Configuration to be worked on terminal and compatible with TTy based for Arch Linux


Language:Lua 77.5%Language:Shell 22.2%Language:Vim Script 0.3%