textomatic / notes-subreddit-opinion-mining

Opinion Mining from Subreddit Threads of a Note-taking Application

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Opinion Mining from Subreddit Threads of a Note-taking Application

About this project:

This project aims to mine opinions from the Reddit threads of GoodNotes, a note-taking application available on Apple devices. (*Disclaimer)

It is divided into four parts:

  • Part 1 Data Collection:
    • Set up a MongoDB database and registered a Reddit application for script/web access
    • Built an Extract Transform Load (ETL) pipeline that extracts data (including posts and comments) from the GoodNotes subreddit, cleans/filters the data, and saves the data into the MongoDB database
    • Extracted data from Reddit using the Python Reddit API Wrapper (PRAW) library
    • Executed some preliminary queries to the MongoDB database for simple analytics
  • Part 2 Data Exploration and Pre-processing:
    • Performed initial exploratory data analysis
    • Pre-processed data by
      • Checking for and removing null and duplicate values
      • Removing hyperlinks and hexadecimal color codes in comments
      • Creating new columns in data frame to obtain statistical summaries about threads and comments
    • Applied common natural language processing (NLP) techniques such as tokenization, stemming, n-gram, and removal of stop words using the NLTK library
    • Visualized word cloud and top 30 n-grams (unigrams, bigrams, trigrams) in charts
    • Performed topic modeling using Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) with the Gensim library and used PyLDAvis for visualizing the topics
  • Part 3 Transfer Learning with Transformers:
    • Applied deep learning and transfer learning to predict the tag (category/flair) of a thread in GoodNotes subreddit
    • Leveraged a Transformer model that had been pretrained on a huge corpus of English text and adapted it for this specific Reddit tag prediction task
    • The Transformer model was first trained with labeled data for a single task (tag prediction), and subsequently trained for multi-tasks (tag prediction and title generation, i.e. generating the title for a given thread)
    • Multi-task learning would improve the model performance as information from training on one task may inform and accelerate learning of other different tasks
    • Due to category imbalance in the data, data augmentation was performed by upsampling particular categories of tags
    • Model training, evaluation, and versioning were tracked using Weights & Biases
    • The tuned model was pushed to HuggingFace and called to inference on unseen data, i.e. to classify unlabeled subreddit threads with different tags
  • Part 4 Dashboard:
    • An interactive data visualization dashboard was created using Streamlit
    • Data visualization includes plot of monthly thread count per month and word cloud of thread titles
    • By choosing a specific tag from the dropdown menu, the dashboard would be updated automatically to show tag-related visualizations only
    • In addition, a data frame is placed at the top of the dashboard to show the latest (within past 45 days) threads mentioning GoodNotes in competitors' subreddits
    • This allows for continuous monitoring of Reddit for any mentions of comparison with GoodNotes
    • This was achieved using the Pushshift Reddit API and PRAW


The Streamlit app is hosted on Streamlit Cloud. Streamlit App to view the data visualizations.

How to run this project

Run from the command line

  1. Set up the environment using Conda:
conda env create -n notes-subreddit-opinion-mining -f environment.yml
  1. Execute the Jupyter notebooks in the folders part1* till part4*.

  2. Launch Streamlit:

streamlit run part4_dashboarding/app.py


This repository and its author are not affiliated with GoodNotes in any capacity, and all work was done using publicly available data.


Opinion Mining from Subreddit Threads of a Note-taking Application


Language:Jupyter Notebook 95.0%Language:HTML 4.7%Language:Python 0.3%