tetrateio / tsb-wasm-demo

WASM extensions integration within TSB ( Istio )

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WASM Extensions in TSB(Istio)

This project demonstrate how WASM extensions can be created and integrated into an Istio Gateway using TSB as a service mesh.

What is a WASM extension?

A WASM extension is a software addon of WebAssembly which can be used to extend the Istio proxy (Envoy). You can read more about it from Tetrate docs here

To write WASM extensions, you can use Envoy WASM SDK that can compile the code into Envoy WASM compatible binary. There are serveral SDKs available. TinyGo and Rust are the most widely used among all. You can also refer proxy-wasm-go-sdk/examples from Tetrate to get started with writing WASM extensions.

Write a WASM Extension to modify Request/Response Header

wasm-add-header is a Go WASM extension example that will add a specific header to the request and response.

Writing a WASM extension involves adding a custom logic at one or more callback functions that defined in Envoy WASM ABI Spec.

In this example, we have used TinyGo to add or modify request/response header. To do this, you can add your custom logic to OnHttpRequestHeaders or OnHttpResponseHeaders. See wasm-add-header/main.go

Modify request header

func (ctx *httpHeaders) OnHttpRequestHeaders(numHeaders int, endOfStream bool) types.Action {
	proxywasm.LogInfof("adding header to request: %s=%s", ctx.headerName, ctx.headerValue)
	if err := proxywasm.AddHttpRequestHeader(ctx.headerName, ctx.headerValue); err != nil {
		proxywasm.LogCriticalf("failed to set request headers: %v", err)
	return types.ActionContinue

Modify response header

func (ctx *httpHeaders) OnHttpResponseHeaders(numHeaders int, endOfStream bool) types.Action { 
    proxywasm.LogInfof("adding header to response: %s=%s", ctx.headerName, ctx.headerValue)
    if err := proxywasm.AddHttpResponseHeader(ctx.headerName, ctx.headerValue); err != nil {
		proxywasm.LogCriticalf("failed to set response headers: %v", err)
    return types.ActionContinue

Similarly you can find other supported handlers for modifying request/response headers, request/response body, dispatching a HTTP call to a remote cluster etc here

Build the WASM Extension

Pre-req: Make sure you have TinyGo Installed in your env

To build the WASM plugin and create a .wasm executable, run:

make build

Clean Build Artifacts

To clean build artifacts, run:

make clean

Run Tests

make test

Install Dependencies

make get

Build Docker Image

To build a Docker image from the project, run:

make docker-build

Push Docker Image

To tag the Docker image and push it to a Docker regitry, run:

Note: Before using the docker-push target, replace your-docker-repo with your actual Docker repository.

make docker-push

How to use WASM Extension in Istio Ingress Gateway

Since we will be using Tetrate Service Bridge service mesh to create Istio IngressGateway, you need to configure the following TSB resources to integrate WASM extensions within TSB.

Create WasmExtension CR

WasmExtension configures the CR which can then be used inside a TSB Istio IngressGateway resource.

apiVersion: extension.tsb.tetrate.io/v2
kind: WasmExtension
  name: wasm-add-header
    tsb.tetrate.io/organization: tetrate
  image: oci://docker.io/sreeharikmarar/wasm-add-header:latest
  source: https://github.com/tetrateio/tsb-wasm-demo
    header: x-ingress-header
    value: "powered by TSB"
  description: |
    This WASM plugin will add specified header in response
    To use this add following into IngressGateway, Tier1Gateway or SecuritySettings

        - fqn: "organizations/tetrate/extensions/wasm-add-header"
            path: response
            header: x-ingress-header
            value: from tsb ingress gateway
    You must set a header and a value.

Create IngressGateway CR

IngressGateway configures the TSB Istio IngressGateway CR and other related configuration object for it to function.

Gateway expose the httpbin app deployed on httpbin namespace on host httpbin.tetrate.io.

As you can see, previously applied WasmExtension has been used as wasmPlugins in IngressGateway. You can configure path as request or response in the plugin configration to add the configured header to the request or response when Istio ingress gateway proxy (Envoy) intercept the request.

    apiVersion: gateway.tsb.tetrate.io/v2
    kind: Gateway
      name: tier2-gateway
        tsb.tetrate.io/organization: tetrate
        tsb.tetrate.io/tenant: tier2
        tsb.tetrate.io/workspace: tier2-ws
        tsb.tetrate.io/gatewayGroup: tier2-gg
      displayName: Tier2 Gateway
        namespace: tier2
          app: tier2-gateway
        - hostname: httpbin.tetrate.io
          name: httpbin
          port: 80
              - route:
                    host: "httpbin/httpbin.httpbin.svc.cluster.local"
                    port: 8000
        - fqn: "organizations/tetrate/extensions/wasm-add-header"
            path: response
            header: x-ingress-header
            value: from tsb ingress gateway

Apply All Configurations as K8s CRs

When you enable gitops in your application cluster, all these configurations can be applied directly on the application cluster as k8s CR.

Following command will deploy httpbin app, create WasmExtension and installs Istio Ingress Gateway

cd tsb
kustomize build --reorder none | k apply -f -

wasmextension.extension.tsb.tetrate.io/wasm-add-header created
namespace/httpbin created
serviceaccount/httpbin created
service/httpbin created
deployment.apps/httpbin created
tenant.tsb.tetrate.io/httpbin created
workspace.tsb.tetrate.io/httpbin-ws created
namespace/tier2 created
tenant.tsb.tetrate.io/tier2 created
workspace.tsb.tetrate.io/tier2-ws created
group.gateway.tsb.tetrate.io/tier2-gg created
tier1gateway.install.tetrate.io/tier2-gateway created
gateway.gateway.tsb.tetrate.io/tier2-gateway created

Test WASM Extensions

Retrieve Istio IngressGateway Loadbalancer service IP

export GATEWAY_IP=$(kubectl -n tier2 get service tier2-gateway -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}')


curl -s "http://httpbin.tetrate.io/get" --resolve "httpbin.tetrate.io:80:${GATEWAY_IP}" -v --header "x-request-header: some value"


* Added httpbin.tetrate.io:80: to DNS cache
* Hostname httpbin.tetrate.io was found in DNS cache
*   Trying
* Connected to httpbin.tetrate.io ( port 80 (#0)
> GET /get HTTP/1.1
> Host: httpbin.tetrate.io
> User-Agent: curl/7.79.1
> Accept: */*
* Mark bundle as not supporting multiuse
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< server: istio-envoy
< date: Thu, 26 Oct 2023 14:48:53 GMT
< content-type: application/json
< content-length: 763
< access-control-allow-origin: *
< access-control-allow-credentials: true
< x-envoy-upstream-service-time: 16
< x-proxy-wasm-go-sdk-example: http_headers
< x-ingress-header: from tsb ingress gateway
  "args": {},
  "headers": {
    "Accept": "*/*",
    "Host": "httpbin.tetrate.io",
    "User-Agent": "curl/7.79.1",
    "X-B3-Parentspanid": "ad64b0102c00bf0c",
    "X-B3-Sampled": "0",
    "X-B3-Spanid": "b1f48c960d2b2735",
    "X-B3-Traceid": "b7592cad36ecc7aaad64b0102c00bf0c",
    "X-Envoy-Attempt-Count": "1",
    "X-Envoy-Internal": "true",
    "X-Forwarded-Client-Cert": "By=spiffe://gke-sreehari-us-west2-3.tsb.local/ns/httpbin/sa/httpbin;Hash=de8c9c7bbbbb957e5da0abd48acf998915bcec84f41cbd18f7d57e36147b6675;Subject=\"\";URI=spiffe://gke-sreehari-us-west2-3.tsb.local/ns/tier2/sa/tier2-gateway-service-account",
    "X-Request-Header": "changed/created by wasm"
  "origin": "",
  "url": "http://httpbin.tetrate.io/get"

As you can see, following headers has been added to the request/response

  • x-ingress-header : from tsb ingress gateway added to the response header
  • X-Request-Header : changed/created by wasm added to the request header, as you can see the value has been modified from its original value

How does it work?

When you enable WASM proxy in the ManagementPlane, wasmfetcher component running in the istio-system namespace in the Controlplane cluster will fetch WASM image from the private registry and then Gateway will fetch WASM image from the wasmfetcher running as an http server.

When you observe the logs, you will notice this

kubectl logs -l app=wasmfetcher -n istio-system -f

2023/10/12 07:39:34  info	http	starting HTTP server at: ":8080" [scope="http"]
2023/10/27 07:05:05  info	cache	fetching image sreeharikmarar/wasm-add-header from registry index.docker.io with tag latest [scope="cache"]

Istio Configuration

Once TSB translate WasmExtension configured as part of Gateway into Istio's WasmPlugin definition, the image url will be updated to point to wasmfetcher url

kubectl get wasmplugins.extensions.istio.io tier2-gateway-wasm-add-header0 -n tier2 -o yaml
apiVersion: extensions.istio.io/v1alpha1
kind: WasmPlugin
    tsb.tetrate.io/config-mode: bridged
    tsb.tetrate.io/etag: '"9m3TwL8TafI="'
    tsb.tetrate.io/fqn: organizations/tetrate/tenants/tier2/workspaces/tier2-ws/gatewaygroups/tier2-gg/unifiedgateways/tier2-gateway
    tsb.tetrate.io/runtime-etag: '"ot2xM0wdmKk="'
    xcp.tetrate.io/contentHash: 0001eb75bcd4685e528750c5d47706ff
  creationTimestamp: "2023-10-27T07:05:04Z"
  generation: 1
    app.kubernetes.io/managed-by: tsb
    istio.io/rev: default
    xcp.tetrate.io/gatewayGroup: tier2-gg
    xcp.tetrate.io/workspace: tier2-ws-54ab19ffac3a761b
  name: tier2-gateway-wasm-add-header0
  namespace: tier2
  resourceVersion: "16421353"
  uid: e7ad9b18-3b31-4a22-b406-b042193096ea
    header: x-ingress-header
    path: response
    value: from tsb ingress gateway
  pluginName: tier2-gateway-wasm-add-header0
  priority: 0
      app: tier2-gateway
  url: http://wasmfetcher.istio-system.svc.cluster.local/fetch/b2NpOi8vZG9ja2VyLmlvL3NyZWVoYXJpa21hcmFyL3dhc20tYWRkLWhlYWRlcjpsYXRlc3Q=

Envoy Configuration

Retrieve Envoy Config dump

istioctl dashboard envoy tier2-gateway-864588946d-6mhsn.tier2

Envoy Listener and HTTP Filter Config

"dynamic_listeners": [
     "name": "",
     "active_state": {
      "version_info": "2023-10-26T11:16:01Z/60",
      "listener": {
    "filter_chains": [
         "filter_chain_match": {
          "server_names": [
         "filters": [
           "name": "envoy.filters.network.http_connection_manager",
            "http_filters": [
              "name": "tier2.tier2-gateway-wasm-add-header0",
              "config_discovery": {
               "config_source": {
                "ads": {},
                "initial_fetch_timeout": "0s",
                "resource_api_version": "V3"
               "type_urls": [

Envoy Extension Config - Ecds Filter and Wasm Filter

   "@type": "type.googleapis.com/envoy.admin.v3.EcdsConfigDump",
   "ecds_filters": [
     "version_info": "2023-10-27T07:07:51Z/4825",
     "ecds_filter": {
      "@type": "type.googleapis.com/envoy.config.core.v3.TypedExtensionConfig",
      "name": "tier2.tier2-gateway-wasm-add-header0",
      "typed_config": {
       "@type": "type.googleapis.com/envoy.extensions.filters.http.wasm.v3.Wasm",
       "config": {
        "name": "tier2.tier2-gateway-wasm-add-header0",
        "root_id": "tier2-gateway-wasm-add-header0",
        "vm_config": {
         "runtime": "envoy.wasm.runtime.v8",
         "code": {
          "local": {
           "filename": "/var/lib/istio/data/2879432666c69c71230718d9eb2d594192aab5737d81de80d28feb705eb7f2b3/ba0fb8931399e8d0ad77756e8cc92de941e4667f5ff19405c045f32ab5c5efa9.wasm"
         "environment_variables": {
          "key_values": {
        "configuration": {
         "@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.protobuf.StringValue",
         "value": "{\"header\":\"x-ingress-header\",\"path\":\"response\",\"value\":\"from tsb ingress gateway\"}"
     "last_updated": "2023-10-27T07:07:51.546Z"


WASM extensions integration within TSB ( Istio )


Language:Go 91.3%Language:Makefile 7.6%Language:Dockerfile 1.1%