Memoreel is a full-stack journal app developed for daily note-taking. It allows users to create notes in various formats including text, YouTube URLs, images, camera images, and audio.
Memoreel | For days worth remembering
- User authentication and authorization
- Note creation in multiple formats
- Organized note storage by boards
- Cloudinary integration for media uploads
- MongoDB
- Express
- React
- Node.js
- Mongoose
- JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
- Cloudinary
- Multer
- Cors
Index Routes:
- Home routes
Auth Routes:
POST /auth/signup
- Sign up a new userPOST /auth/login
- Login a user
User Routes (Protected):
GET /users
- Get all usersGET /users/:id
- Get a single user
Boards Routes (Protected):
GET /boards
- Get all boardsPOST /boards
- Create a new boardGET /boards/:id
- Get a single boardPUT /boards/:id
- Update a boardDELETE /boards/:id
- Delete a board
Assets Routes:
GET /assets
- Get all assetsPOST /assets
- Create a new assetGET /assets/:id
- Get a single assetPUT /assets/:id
- Update an assetDELETE /assets/:id
- Delete an asset