test-time-training / mttt

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Learning to (Learn at Test Time)

GPU Setup | Cloud TPU VM Setup | Quick Start | Plot Statistics | Commands for All Experiments

GPU Setup

To setup and run our code on a (local) GPU machine, we highly recommend using a virtual environment when installing python dependencies.

Install CUDA environment

First download CUDA and cuDNN, required by JAX (the gpu version). Please use the following file structure:

├── bin
├── include
├── lib64
├── include
└── lib

and copy the files in /YOUR/cuDNN/PATH/include and /YOUR/cuDNN/PATH/lib to /YOUR/CUDA/PATH/include and /YOUR/CUDA/PATH/lib64 respectively.

Next, export the following environment variables:

export PATH=${CUDA_HOME}/bin:${PATH}

Install Python packages

First run the following commands

git clone https://github.com/LeoXinhaoLee/MTTT.git
pip3 install --upgrade pip
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Then install the latest JAX library

pip3 install --upgrade "jax[cuda]" -f https://storage.googleapis.com/jax-releases/jax_cuda_releases.html

You may need a different JAX package, depending on the version of CUDA and cuDNN libraries installed on your machine. Please consult the official JAX documentation for more information.

Prepare TFDS data

  1. Manually create a directory with the following structure:
├── downloads
   └── manual

Or you can use $TFDS_DATA_DIR if it exists. This should be ~/tensorflow_datasets/ by default.
2. Download imagenet2012.
3. Place the downloaded files ILSVRC2012_img_train.tar and ILSVRC2012_img_val.tar under YOUR/TFDS/PATH/downloads/manual.
4. Run the following commands (which may take ~1 hour):

python3 ./tools/download_tfds_datasets.py imagenet2012

After the above procedure, you should have the following file structure:

├── downloads
│   ├── extracted
│       ├── train
│       └── val
│   └── manual
│       ├── ILSVRC2012_img_train.tar
│       └── ILSVRC2012_img_val.tar
└── imagenet2012
│   └── 5.*.*
│       ├── dataset_info.json
│       ├── features.json
│       ├── imagenet2012-train.tfrecord-00000-of-01024
│       ├── imagenet2012-validation.tfrecord-00000-of-00064

Cloud TPU VM Setup

Create TPU VMs, prepare TFDS data

Please refer to this link for guidance on creating cloud TPU VMs. TFDS data preparation is similar to that for GPU.

Quick Start

Given a local machine with GPUs, the following command reproduces our result for MTTT-MLP (accurary 74.6%) on ImageNet (from patches):

python train.py --config config_patch.py \
                --config.inner.TTT.inner_itr=1 \
                --config.inner.TTT.inner_lr='(1.,)' \
                --config.input.accum_time=1 \
                --workdir ./exp/patch_MTTT_MLP

To specify a custom path to your dataset, you could either modify its assignment in config_patch.py and config_pixel.py, or specify --config.tfds_path=/YOUR/TFDS/PATH when launching a job.

To accommodate the memory constraint of your devices, you may need to tune the number of gradient accumulation steps by specifying --config.input.accum_time.

Statistics for the experiment will be saved in ./exp/patch_MTTT_MLP/all_stat_dict.pth. These include traing and validation accuracy and loss, as well as inner-loop reconstruction loss. The most recent checkpoint for model and optimizer state will be saved in ./ckpt/patch_MTTT_MLP/checkpoint.npz.

Plot Statistics

We provide two simple files to plot the saved statistics during training.

Validation error

Fill the folder_names list in plot_multi.py with the folder names of the experiments you want to plot together, then run

python plot_multi.py

It can compare the learning curves of multiple experiments at once.

Inner-loop reconstruction loss

Set the folder_name variable in plot_inner.py to the name of the experiment you want to plot, then run

python plot_inner.py

It plots one experiment at a time, for all TTT layers together (12 by default). Since the concept of inner-loop reconstruction loss only applies to MTTT, we set this loss for self-attention and linear attention to inf to signal that it is not meaningful.

Commands for All Experiments

ImageNet (from patches)

For ImageNet (from patches), all commands use ViT-Small by default.

As noted above, you may need to tune the number of gradient accumulation steps by specifying --config.input.accum_time to accommodate the memory constraint of your devices.

MTTT-MLP (SGD T=1, i.e. no SGD):

python train.py --config config_patch.py \
                --config.inner.TTT.inner_itr=1 \
                --config.inner.TTT.inner_lr='(1.,)' \
                --workdir ./exp/patch_MTTT_MLP


python train.py --config config_patch.py \
                --config.inner.TTT.inner_itr=4 \
                --config.inner.TTT.inner_lr='(1.,1.,1.,1.)' \
                --workdir ./exp/patch_MTTT_MLP_itr=4


python train.py --config config_patch.py \
                --config.inner.TTT.inner_encoder=mlp_1 \
                --config.inner.TTT.inner_encoder_init=zero \
                --config.inner.TTT.inner_encoder_bias=False \
                --config.inner.TTT.decoder_LN=False \
                --config.inner.TTT.train_init=False \
                --workdir ./exp/patch_MTTT_linear

Linear attention:

python train.py --config config_patch.py \
                --config.inner.layer_type=linear_attention \
                --config.inner.linear_attention.elu=False \
                --config.inner.linear_attention.normalizer=constant \
                --workdir ./exp/patch_linear_attention

Linear attention (Katharopoulos et al.):

python train.py --config config_patch.py \
                --config.inner.layer_type=linear_attention \
                --config.inner.linear_attention.elu=True \
                --config.inner.linear_attention.normalizer=adaptive \
                --workdir ./exp/patch_linear_attention_Katharopoulos

Self-attention (with softmax):

python train.py --config config_patch.py \
                --config.inner.layer_type=self_attention \
                --workdir ./exp/patch_self_attention

ImageNet from pixels

For ImageNet from pixels, the following commands use ViT-Tiny by default. You may add --config.model=small to use ViT-Small.

Each run can take at least a few days on most machines.

As noted above, you may need to tune the number of gradient accumulation steps by specifying --config.input.accum_time to accommodate the memory constraint of your devices.

MTTT-MLP (SGD T=1, i.e. no SGD):

python train.py --config config_pixel.py \
                --config.inner.TTT.inner_itr=1 \
                --config.inner.TTT.inner_lr='(1.,)' \
                --config.inner.TTT.SGD=False \
                --workdir ./exp/pixel_MTTT_MLP


python train.py --config config_pixel.py \
                --config.inner.TTT.inner_itr=4 \
                --config.inner.TTT.inner_lr='(1.,1.,1.,1.)' \
                --config.inner.TTT.SGD=True \
                --workdir ./exp/pixel_MTTT_MLP_itr=4_SGD


python train.py --config config_pixel.py \
                --config.inner.TTT.inner_encoder=mlp_1 \
                --config.inner.TTT.inner_encoder_init=zero \
                --config.inner.TTT.inner_encoder_bias=False \
                --config.inner.TTT.decoder_LN=False \
                --config.inner.TTT.train_init=False \
                --workdir ./exp/pixel_MTTT_linear

Linear attention:

python train.py --config config_pixel.py \
                --config.inner.layer_type=linear_attention \
                --config.inner.linear_attention.elu=False \
                --config.inner.linear_attention.normalizer=constant \
                --workdir ./exp/pixel_linear_attention

Linear attention (Katharopoulos et al.):

python train.py --config config_pixel.py \
                --config.inner.layer_type=linear_attention \
                --config.inner.linear_attention.elu=True \
                --config.inner.linear_attention.normalizer=adaptive \
                --workdir ./exp/pixel_linear_attention_Katharopoulos


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 100.0%