test-mass-forker-org-1 / MoCapAct

Multi-Task Dataset for Simulated Humanoid Control

Home Page:https://mhauskn.github.io/mocapact.github.io/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Code License      Dataset License

This is the codebase for the MoCapAct project, which contains all code to train the clip snippet experts, collect expert rollouts into a dataset, perform policy distillation, and perform RL on downstream tasks. For more information on the project and to access the dataset, please visit the project website.


MoCapAct requires Python 3.7+. We recommend that you use a virtual environment. For example, using conda:

conda create -n MoCapAct pip python==3.8
conda activate MoCapAct

To install the package, you can run pip install on the GitHub repo:

pip install git+https://github.com/microsoft/MoCapAct@main#egg=MoCapAct

Alternatively, to have an editable version, clone the repo and install the local copy:

git clone https://github.com/microsoft/MoCapAct.git
cd MoCapAct
pip install -e .

Note: All included policies (experts, multi-clip, etc.) will only work with MuJoCo 2.1.5 or earlier. MuJoCo 2.2.0 uses analytic derivatives in place of finite-difference derivatives to determine actuator forces, which effectively changes the transition function of the simulator. Accordingly, MoCapAct installs MuJoCo 2.1.5 and dm_control 1.0.2. The rollout datasets were also generated under MuJoCo 2.1.5.

Downloading the Dataset

We provide a Python script to download portions of the dataset. The script takes the following flags:

  • -t: a type from <experts | small_dataset | large_dataset>,
  • -c: a comma-separated list of clips (e.g., CMU_001_01,CMU_002_01) or a specific subset from dm_control's MoCap subsets <get_up | walk_tiny | run_jump_tiny | locomotion_small | all>, and
  • -d: a destination path.

For example:

python -m mocapact.download_dataset -t small_dataset -c CMU_001_01,CMU_002_01 -d ./data


Below are Python commands we used for our paper.

Clip snippet experts

Training a clip snippet expert:

python -m mocapact.clip_expert.train \
  --clip_id [CLIP_ID] `# e.g., CMU_016_22` \
  --start_step [START_STEP] `# e.g., 0` \
  --max_steps [MAX_STEPS] `# e.g., 210 (can be larger than clip length)` \
  --n_workers [N_CPU] `# e.g., 8` \
  --log_root experts \
  $(cat cfg/clip_expert/train.txt)

Evaluating a clip snippet expert (numerical evaluation and visual evaluation):

python -m mocapact.clip_expert.evaluate \
  --policy_root [POLICY_ROOT] `# e.g., experts/CMU_016-22-0-82/0/eval_rsi/model` \
  --n_workers [N_CPU] `# e.g., 8` \
  --n_eval_episodes 1000 `# set to 0 to just run the visualizer` \
  $(cat cfg/clip_expert/evaluate.txt)

We can also load the experts in Python:

from mocapact import observables
from mocapact.sb3 import utils
expert_path = "experts/CMU_016_22-0-82/0/eval_rsi/model" # example path
expert = utils.load_policy(expert_path, observables.TIME_INDEX_OBSERVABLES)

from mocapact.envs import tracking
from dm_control.locomotion.tasks.reference_pose import types
dataset = types.ClipCollection(ids=['CMU_016_22'])
env = tracking.MocapTrackingGymEnv(dataset)
obs, done = env.reset(), False
while not done:
    action, _ = expert.predict(obs, deterministic=True)
    obs, rew, done, _ = env.step(action)
Creating rollout dataset

Rolling out a collection of experts and collecting into a dataset:

python -m mocapact.distillation.rollout_experts \
  --input_dirs [EXPERT_ROOT] `# e.g., experts` \
  --n_workers [N_CPU] `# e.g., 8` \
  --device [DEVICE] `# e.g., cuda` \
  --output_path dataset/file_name_ignored.hdf5 \
  $(cat cfg/rollout.txt)

This will result in a collection of HDF5 files (one per clip), which can be read and utilized in Python:

import h5py
dset = h5py.File("dataset/CMU_016_22.hdf5", "r")
print("Expert actions from first rollout episode:")
Multi-clip policy

Training a multi-clip policy on the entire MoCapAct dataset:

source scripts/get_all_clips.sh [PATH_TO_DATASET]
python -m mocapact.distillation.train \
  --train_dataset_paths $train \
  --val_dataset_paths $val \
  --dataset_metrics_path $metrics \
  --extra_clips $clips \
  --output_root multi_clip/all \
  --gpus 0 `# indices of GPUs` \
  $(cat cfg/multi_clip/train.txt) \
  --model.config.embed_size 60 \
  --eval.n_workers [N_CPU] `# e.g., 16`

Training a multi-clip policy on the locomotion subset of the MoCapAct dataset:

source scripts/get_locomotion_clips.sh [PATH_TO_DATASET]
python -m mocapact.distillation.train \
  --train_dataset_paths $train \
  --dataset_metrics_path $metrics \
  --extra_clips $clips \
  --output_root multi_clip/locomotion \
  --gpus 0 `# indices of GPUs` \
  $(cat cfg/multi_clip/train.txt) \
  --model.config.embed_size 20 \
  --eval.n_workers [N_CPU] `# e.g., 16`

Evaluating a multi-clip policy on all the snippets within the MoCapAct dataset (numerical evaluation and visual evaluation):

source scripts/get_all_clips.sh [PATH_TO_DATASET]
python -m mocapact.distillation.evaluate \
  --policy_path [POLICY_PATH] `# e.g., multi_clip/all/eval/train_rsi/best_model.ckpt` \
  --clip_snippets $snippets \
  --n_workers [N_CPU] `# e.g., 8` \
  --device [DEVICE] `# e.g., cuda` \
  --n_eval_episodes 1000 `# set to 0 to just run the visualizer` \
  $(cat cfg/multi_clip/evaluate.txt)

The multi-clip policy can be loaded using PyTorch Lightning's functionality to interact with the environment:

from mocapact.distillation import model
model_path = "multi_clip/all/eval/train_rsi/best_model.ckpt"
policy = model.NpmpPolicy.load_from_checkpoint(model_path, map_location="cpu")

from mocapact.envs import tracking
from dm_control.locomotion.tasks.reference_pose import cmu_subsets
dataset = cmu_subsets.ALL
ref_steps = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
env = tracking.MocapTrackingGymEnv(dataset, ref_steps)
obs, done = env.reset(), False
embed = policy.initial_state(deterministic=False)
while not done:
    action, embed = expert.predict(obs, state=embed, deterministic=False)
    obs, rew, done, _ = env.step(action)
RL transfer tasks

Training a task policy (here, with a pre-defined low-level policy):

python -m mocapact.transfer.train \
  --log_root [LOG_ROOT] `# e.g., transfer/go_to_target` \
  $(cat cfg/transfer/train.txt) \
  $(cat cfg/transfer/go_to_target.txt) `# set to cfg/transfer/velocity_control.txt for velocity control` \
  $(cat cfg/transfer/with_low_level.txt) `# set to cfg/transfer/no_low_level.txt for no low-level policy`

Evaluating a task policy:

python -m mocapact.transfer.evaluate \
  --model_root [MODEL_ROOT] `# e.g., transfer/go_to_target/0/eval/model` \
  --task [TASK] `# e.g., mocapact/transfer/config.py:go_to_target or velocity_control`
Motion completion

Training a GPT policy on the entire MoCapAct dataset:

source scripts/get_all_clips.sh [PATH_TO_DATASET]
python -m mocapact.distillation.train \
  --train_dataset_paths $train \
  --val_dataset_paths $val \
  --dataset_metrics_path $metrics \
  --output_root motion_completion \
  $(cat cfg/motion_completion/train.txt)

Performing motion completion with a trained GPT policy:

python -m mocapact.distillation.motion_completion \
  --policy_path [POLICY_PATH] `# e.g., motion_completion/model/last.ckpt` \
  --expert_root [EXPERT_ROOT] `# e.g., experts` \
  --clip_snippet [CLIP_SNIPPET] `# e.g., CMU_016_22` \
  --n_workers [N_CPU] `# e.g., 8` \
  --device [DEVICE] `# e.g., cuda` \
  --n_eval_episodes 100 `# Set to 0 to just run the visualizer` \
  $(cat cfg/motion_completion/evaluate.txt)

To generate a prompt, we also input a path to the directory of snippet experts. Alternatively, you can pass a path to a multi-clip policy through --distillation_path, though it will likely produce lower-quality prompts than the snippet experts.


The code is licensed under the MIT License. The dataset is licensed under the Community Data License Agreement - Permissive, Version 2.0 License (CDLA v2).


Multi-Task Dataset for Simulated Humanoid Control


License:MIT License


Language:Python 99.5%Language:Shell 0.5%