TerraBrasilis Research Data (terrabrasilis-research-data)

TerraBrasilis Research Data


Geek Repo

TerraBrasilis Research Data a platform for Earth observation scientific data sharing, that integrates tools for storage, catalog, management and dissemination.

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

TerraBrasilis Research Data's repositories


A Research Data Repository provides the underlying computational infrastructure for storing, managing, cataloging, sharing and viewing scientific data. This component adopts protocols and interfaces based on open standards, especially those of the OGC consortium.



The Data Explorer is responsible for providing visualization of the platform's georeferenced data, with map-based navigation, layer management, and other Web GIS functions.



The Data Manager is responsible for the support portion of the platform. In the context of infrastructure, this includes the creation, management and delivery of Research Data Repositories. It uses a flask aplication with a relational database to CRUD metadata.



The Data Manager is responsible for the support portion of the platform. In the context of infrastructure, this includes the creation, management and delivery of Research Data Repositories.



The Data Portal is responsible for organizing the entry of researchers and users in the form of a web interface and the platform's functionalities. Inspired by digital libraries, the Data Portal will provide navigation through all published data sets, visualization of research groups, generation of citation of data sets, download of data among other functions.



The Data Manager is responsible for the support portion of the platform. In the context of infrastructure, this includes the creation, management and delivery of Research Data Repositories. It uses a CKAN with ckanext-spatial, the Geospatial extension for CKAN.



The Data Manager is responsible for the support portion of the platform. In the context of infrastructure, this includes the creation, management and delivery of Research Data Repositories. It uses Invenio Research Data Management
