terotests / Ranger

Cross -platform transpiler to enable writing portable algorithms

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Ranger cross language compiler

Status: experimental

Ranger is a small self-hosting cross -language, cross -platform compiler to enable writing portable algorithms and applications. The language has type safety, classes, inheritance, operator overloading, lambda functions, generic traits, class extensions, type inference and can integrate with host system API's using system classes.

Host platforms and target languages

The compiler is self hosting which means that it has been written using the compiler itself and thus it can be hosted on several platforms. At the moment the official platform is node.js, because external plugins are only available as npm packages.

The target languages supported are JavaScript, Java, Go, Swift, PHP, C++, C# and Scala. The quality of the target translation still varies and at the moment of this writing the compiler can only be compiled fully to JavaSript target. However, most targets already can compile reasonably good code.

Installing the compiler

To install the latest test version of the compiler using npm run

 npm install -g ranger-compiler

Running ranger-compiler without arguments shows available command-line options:

Ranger compiler, version 2.1.33
Installed at: C:\dev\static\tools\ranger-compiler
Usage: <file> <options> <flags>
Options: -<option>=<value>
  -l=<value>             Selected language, one of es6, go, scala, java7, swift3, cpp, php, csharp
  -d=<value>             output directory, default directory is "bin/"
  -o=<value>             output file, default is "output.<language>"
  -classdoc=<value>      write class documentation .md file
  -operatordoc=<value>   write operator documention into .md file
Flags: -<flag>
  -forever       Leave the main program into eternal loop (Go, Swift)
  -allowti       Allow type inference at target lang (creates slightly smaller code)
  -plugins-only  ignore built-in language output and use only plugins
  -plugins       (node compiler only) run specified npm plugins -plugins="plugin1,plugin2"
  -strict        Strict mode. Do not allow automatic unwrapping of optionals outside of try blocks.
  -typescript    Writes JavaScript code with TypeScript annotations
  -npm           Write the package.json to the output directory
  -nodecli       Insert node.js command line header #!/usr/bin/env node to the beginning of the JavaScript file
  -nodemodule    Export the classes as node.js modules (this option will disable the static main function)
  -client        the code is ment to be run in the client environment
  -scalafiddle   scalafiddle.io compatible output
  -compiler      recompile the compiler
  -copysrc       copy all the source codes into the target directory
Pragmas: (inside the source code files)
   @noinfix(true)   disable operator infix parsing and automatic type definition checking

Getting started with Hello World

Create file hello.clj

class Hello {
    static fn main () {
        print "Hello World"

Then compile it using ranger-compiler using command line

ranger-compiler hello.clj

The result will be outputtted into directory bin/hello.js

Compiling using TypeScript

The compiler can be used from TypeScript, which makes possible to create new versions of the compiler just using TypeScript.

Note: the example requires content of Lang, stdlib, stdops and JSON to be loaded for the compiler, in this example they are loaded from the filesystem using readFileSync.

// Notice this part of example is required:
addFile('Lang.clj', fs.readFileSync('./libs/Lang.clj', 'utf8') )
addFile('stdlib.clj', fs.readFileSync('./libs/stdlib.clj', 'utf8') )
addFile('stdops.clj', fs.readFileSync('./libs/stdops.clj', 'utf8') )
addFile('JSON.clj', fs.readFileSync('./libs/JSON.clj', 'utf8') )

The full compiler code:

import * as R from 'ranger-compiler'
import { CodeNode } from 'ranger-compiler';

const compilerInput = new R.InputEnv()
compilerInput.use_real = false

// manually create a filesystem
const folder = new R.InputFSFolder()
const addFile = (name:string, contents:string) => {
const newFile = new R.InputFSFile()
newFile.name = name
newFile.data = contents
folder.files.push( newFile )
class hello {
    static fn main() {
        print "Hello World"

// compiler requires language definition and libraries to work
const fs = require('fs')
addFile('Lang.clj', fs.readFileSync('./libs/Lang.clj', 'utf8') )
addFile('stdlib.clj', fs.readFileSync('./libs/stdlib.clj', 'utf8') )
addFile('stdops.clj', fs.readFileSync('./libs/stdops.clj', 'utf8') )
addFile('JSON.clj', fs.readFileSync('./libs/JSON.clj', 'utf8') )

compilerInput.filesystem = folder

// set compiler options -l=es6 -typescript
const params = new R.CmdParams()
// target language is Go
params.params['l'] = 'go'
params.params['o'] = 'hello.go'
compilerInput.commandLine = params

// Run compiler
const vComp = new R.VirtualCompiler()

// Check results...
const res = await vComp.run(compilerInput)

// browse through the target compiler file system
res.fileSystem.files.forEach( file=>{

Switching to different target language

Include command line parameter -l=<language> and the compiler will produce the output files for the language in the output directory. Available languages are listed when you run the compiler without any parameters.

Languages and versions supported

Currently the compiler supports at least following language versions:

  • JavaScript ES2015
  • PHP versions 5.4 and above
  • C++ version C++14
  • Java version 7
  • Swift version 3
  • Golang version 1.8
  • Scala 2.xx
  • CSharp 7.0

However, it is possible to add support for older versions by implementing custom operators, which target to certain compiler flags.

Additionally, JavaScript has '-typescript' flag, which will add typescript annotations to the source file.


Operators enable creating short, funtional commands like 'get' or 'push' that operate on certain, typed parameters. Whenever there is need for some functionality it is woth considering whether it is best implemented using operator or a function or a class method. A simple operator definition would be M_PI which is defined in the Compilers internal Lang.clj file as

    M_PI mathPi:double () {
        templates {
            es6 ("Math.PI")
            go ( "math.Pi" (imp "math"))                                
            swift3 ( "Double.pi" (imp "Foundation"))   
            java7 ( "Math.PI" (imp "java.lang.Math"))         
            php ("pi()")        
            cpp ("M_PI" (imp "<math.h>"))               

Oops! Looks like C# defintion is missing! It should be Math.PI and it requires System. We can add that easily to Lang.clj

    M_PI mathPi:double () {
        templates {
            es6 ("Math.PI")
            go ( "math.Pi" (imp "math"))                                
            swift3 ( "Double.pi" (imp "Foundation"))   
            java7 ( "Math.PI" (imp "java.lang.Math"))         
            php ("pi()")        
            cpp ("M_PI" (imp "<math.h>"))               
            csharp ("Math.PI" (imp "System"))               

Thus, the platform specific code is implemented using operators, which can also implement native polyfills in the target language.

Operators also be written can be as macros in Ranger language itself.

For a quick reference of available basic operators see Operators doc



ranger-compiler hello.clj -npm  -nodemodule


Import "VirtualCompiler.clj"

flag npm (
  name "hello"
  version "0.0.1"
  description "Plugin Hello World"
  author "Tero Tolonen"
  license "MIT"

class Plugin {
  fn features:[string] () {
      return ([]  "postprocess")
  fn postprocess (root:CodeNode ctx:RangerAppWriterContext wr:CodeWriter) {  
    print "*** plugin postprocess was called ***"

Notes about the syntax

Ranger syntax is originally based on Lisp -language syntax and most operators will use prefix notation. However, the Ranger modifies the original Lisp so that inside block expression { ... } there is no need to insert parenthesis which makes the language appear to be a bit more like standard languages. Thus you can write exressions like

class Hello {
    fn sayHello:void () {
        def x 20
        if ( x < 10 ) {
            print "x < 10"
        } {
            print "x >= 10"

However, when you go deeper in the expression you may have to include the parenthesis, for example when invoking object you have to write

def obj (new Hello) 

For most common mathematical symbols and boolean operators infix notation can be used and they are automatically converted to lisp expressions. Thus you can write expressions such as (x + y * z) instead of (+ x (* y z))

def x 100
def y 200
def z ( x + y * 10)    
if ( x < 20 || y == 0 ) {


The assigment operator is also automatically prefixed from infix notation so you can say

x = y

Instead of common lisp syntax (= x y)

Main function

Each file can have a static main function, which is executed as the main program.

class Hello {
    static fn main() {

This is a static function which marks the start of execution for the program.

Functions and Static functions

class Hello {
    fn SomeNonStaticFn () {
    sfn SomeStaticFn () {
        ; static function which instantiates Hello and calls non-static
        def o (new Hello)

Calling static function of a class can be done with


Return values of functions

Function not inferred or declared as void should always return value with return statement.


; here is a comment
class Hello {


Type inference and variable definition

Type inference can be used to determine variable type for local variables and class properties

def x 100      ; inferred type = int
def y:int 200
def o (new myClass) ; inferred type myClass

Standard types

Basic primitive types are

  • int
  • boolean
  • string
  • double
  • char
  • charbuffer

Type of function returning nothing is

  • void

Type which can be used as variable types, but require signature are

  • Arrays
  • Hashes
  • Anonymous functions

Types which require type declaration are

  • Enum
  • class
  • systemclass
  • systemunion
  • trait

String literals

String literals are escaped using JSON escaping rules and can be multilne

def long_string "
    this is
    a multiline string


Enums will be compiled to type int but are type checked by the Ranger preprosessor

Enum LineJoin (
class foo {
    def lineType:LineJoin LineJoin.Undefined

Arrays and Hashes

Arrays and hashes are automatically initialized and are ready to be used after their declaration

def list:[string]
def usedKeywords:[string:string]
def classMap:[string:myClass]

Operators for hashes

if we have a hashmap

  def someMap:[string:string]

Operator set can be used to set key/value pair

  set someMap "foo" "bar"

Operator has can be used to check if a key exists in the hash

    if (has someMap "a key") {

Get is used to read the value associated with a key. The result is @(optional)

  (get someMap "foo")

Anonymous functions / lambdas

Anonymous function type declaration is automatically inferred

def name "foo"
def myFilter (fn:boolean (param:string) {
    return (param == name)
if(myFilter("foo")) {
    print "it was foo"

To give declare Anonymous function as parameter of function you must include the full signature, for example for a callback taking string and int signature is fn:void (txt:string i:int)

fn foo:void ( callback:( fn:void (txt:string i:int)) ) {
    callback("got this?" 10)

When giving lambda as a parameter, the formal type definition can be omitted, the named parameters are automatically declared to the block scope of the lambda.

    print txt + " = " i

Automatically infixed math support

It is easy to define new mathematical operations in the Lang.clj file or in modules. However, some mathematical operations are automatically infixed for easier usage. Thus, instead of using common lips notation (* 4 10) you can use easier to read infixed 4 * 10 -syntax

Boolean logic operators

a && b
a || b

Math operators

a * b
a / b
a - b
a + b

Logical comparisions

a < b
a <= b
a > b
a >= b
a != b

Common set of Operators and the Grammar file

The file Lang.clj is used by the compiler for the common set of operators and compilation rules. The most common operators for example

  • to_double
  • read_file
  • array_length

Are defined in this file. Using the Lang.clj -file it is quite easy to extend the language to support new operators or to modify the existing rules for better results, if so required. However, the Lang.clj is not ment for daily modifications, rather it describes common set of rules used and thus should be edited sparingly.

The file has couple of sections, but the reserved_words and commands. The Reserved words section declares (surprise!) the reserved words and their transformation. This is required because for example in Go the word map is a keyword and can not be used unless it is conveted to some other name, for example to FnMap.

    reserved_words {
        map FnMap
        forEach forEachItem

What the result should be is of course highly opinionated. In this example, the line map FnMap means that if possible the compiler will transform anything named map to fnMap if possible. If transformation is not possible, compiler error is generated.

The common operators are declared in section commands, which describe commands, their expected parameters and return values and rules on how they should be compiled into the target languages, possible imported libraries and possible macros or helper function which should be created if the operator is used.

Example of simple operator is (M_PI) which will return double value of mathematical symbol "pi".

    commands {
        M_PI mathPi:double () {
            templates {
                es6 ("Math.PI")
                go ( "math.Pi" (imp "math"))                                
                swift3 ( "Double.pi" (imp "Foundation"))   
                java7 ( "Math.PI" (imp "java.lang.Math"))         
                php ("pi()")        
                cpp ("M_PI" (imp "<math.h>"))               

Most operators are simple, but some require creating custom macros, helpoer functions and some of them are so complex that they may be implemented in the compiler core.

Modules, classes and operators

The basic unit of the program is class. The functions of classes can not be overloaded at the moment, which means that you can not have two functions with different parameters or different return values.

Each source file can import other files using Import command.

Import "Vec2.clj"  

class vectorTest {
    fn testVectors () {
        def v (new Vec2 ( 5 4 ))

Class declaration

class fatherClass {
    def msg "Hello "
    fn foo:string ( txt:string ) {
        return (msg + txt)
class childClass {
    Extends( fatherClass )
class mainProgram {
    sfn m@(main) {
        ; invoke the class
        def cc (new childClass)

Class constructor

class myClass {
    def name:string ""
    Constructor (n:string) {
        name = s


  1. currently only a single variant of the constructor is possible.
  2. as of this writing calling the parent class constructor does not work properly

Class invocation

def obj (new myClass ("name"))

classes without constructor can be invocated without arguments

def obj (new simpleClass)

Creating a class extension

Class extensions are useful for keeping classes simple and moving dependencies to external Modules which can extend the classes.

Extension can

  • add new functions to the class
  • add new member variables to the class
extension childClass {
    def name:string ""
    fn bar:string ( txt:string ) {
        return ("Hello from exteision: " + txt)

Optional variables

In several target languages so called "optional" type can be used. In Ranger Option -type can be used as function or operator return value and as filter to opertors. To use optional variable directly it should be first unwrapped. Also, trying to unwrap non-nullable value should cause compiler error. In Ranger any variable which is declared not given value is considered optional. This corresponds to Swift ? optional type.

You can also declare variables optional using @optional annotation

    def item@(optional):myClass

Some operators also return optional values, for example (get <hash> <key>) operator is returning always optional value. To use the value you must use (unwrap <value>) operator

    def strMap:[string:string]
    def str (get strMap "myKey")
    if(!null? str) {
        print (unwrap str)

Warning* currently optinal variables in Ranger are not "safe" in the sense the language makes sure that you can not make programming errors - it is possible to create programming mistake by using a variable which automatically unwrapped. The plan is to try to make them safer in the future, and options are considered how to enable them

Another warning: Ranger does not protect you from mistakes when automatically unwrapping long reference chains like obj.property.subProperty.foo where property and subProperty are optional variables.

Control flow


If statement is quite similar to other language, but then and else keywords are not used

def x 100
if ( x < 10 ) {
    ; then branch
} {
    ; else branch

switch - case

Note: currently case statement does not support multiple matching values, it is planned to add support for that later.

def name "John"
switch name {
    case "John" {

    case "Flat Eric" {

    default {



for -loop

def list:[string]
for list s:string i {
    print s

You can use break and continue to control the for -loop.

while -loop

def cnt 10
while (cnt > 0 ) {
    print "round " + cnt

You can use break and continue to control the while -loop.

Custom operators

One of the most important features or Ranger is the ability to create custom operators which can target some specific language or all languages using macros. Together with systemclass they allow the system to integrate to target environment or to create new abstraction over existing native API's.

Operators allow type matching against

  • defined primitive types
  • defined classes
  • Enums
  • optionality
  • traits

Operators can be writing directly target language construct or they can be macros, which write code in Ranger and the compiler will then transform the resulting AST tree into the target language's code using the conventions of target language. Which is better depends on the situation, for example operators for system classes usually are written directly to the traget language while operators which are using Ranger's own classes or datatypes are usually better to write with macros.

Simple example of useful macro is Matrix and Vector multiplication. Let's say that you have defined a Matrix class and want to overload the * -operator for easy matrix multiplication.

class Mat2 {
  def m0 1.0
  def m1 0.0
  def m2 0.0
  def m3 1.0
  def m4 0.0
  def m5 0.0
  fn multiply:Mat2 ( b:Mat2 ) {
      def t0 (m0*b.m0 + m1 * b.m2)
      def t2 (m2*b.m0 + m3 * b.m2)
      def t4 (m4*b.m0 + m5 * b.m2 + b.m4)

      def res (new Mat2)
      res.m1 = (m0 * b.m1 + m1 * b.m3)
      res.m3 = (m2 * b.m1 + m3 * b.m3)
      res.m5 = (m4 * b.m1 + m5 * b.m3 + b.m5)
      res.m0 = t0
      res.m2 = t2
      res.m4 = t4
      return res
operators {
    *  base:Mat2 ( a:Mat2 b:Mat2) {
        templates {
            * @macro(true) ( (e 1 ) ".multiply(" (e 2) " )" )

The * @macro(true) means that we target all languages and this is a macro, not actual target language construct.

Custom operators and System classes

To integrate with the target languages running environment, Ranger modules can declare systemclass which can be used together with the code.

systemclass DOMElement {
    es6 DOMElement

operators {
    find  base:DOMElement ( id:string) {
        templates {
            es6 ("document.getElementById( " (e 1) " )")
    setAttribute  _:void ( elem:DOMElement name:string value:string) {
        templates {
            es6 ( (e 1) ".setAttribute(" (e 2) ", " (e 3) ")" )

class tester {
    fn modifyDom () {
        def e (find "#someelem")
        setAttribute( e "className", "activeElement")

Note: Definition of system classes will be revisited in near future and there will be potentially small changes to it.

Unions of system classes

Sometimes the system class can be of union type. This means that the traget language can accept multiple types in place of a single type.

systemunion DOMElementUnion ( DOMElement string )

The you can create operator which accepts either DOMElement or string and reduces that to a single type.


Traits are like extensions, which can be plugged into several classes using does keyword.


trait bar {
    fn hello() {
        print "Hello"

; foo implements "bar" trait 
class foo {
    does bar

Traits are very useful when used together with custom operators, because operators can also match traits.

Another useful feature of traits is their genericity. While classes can not be generic, traits can and thus it is possible to implement for example generic collections using generic traits.

trait GenericCollection @params(T S) {
    def items:[T]
    fn  add (item:T) {
        push items item
    fn  map:S ( callback:( f:T (item:T))  ) {
        def res:S (new S ())
        for items ch@(lives):T i {
            def new_item@(lives):T (callback (ch))
        return res
    ; ... TODO: add more collection functions...

; then create a specific "string" collection..
class StringCollection {
    does GenericCollection @params(string StringCollection)

class Main {
    fn testCollection:void () {
        def coll:StringCollection (new StringCollection)
        def n (coll.map({
            return ("item = " + item)
        print (join n.items " ")     
    sfn hello@(main):void () {
        def hello (new Main ())

Variable definitions

Values can be defined using def keyword.

def x:double
def x:double 0.4            ; double with initializer
def list1:[double]          ; list of doubles
def strList:[string]        ; list of Strings
def strMap:[string:string]  ; map of string -> string
def strObjMap:[string:someClass]    ; map of string -> object of type someClass

Advanced topics

Compiling a new version of the compiler

Then run command

ranger-compiler -compiler -copysrc

The result will be written to directory bin/ng_Compiler.js.


Compiler is using annotation syntax for specifying some parameters for class, trait and variable construction.

sfn someFn@(main)

Static functions can be annotated to be the start point of compiled application using @(main) annotation.

trait myTrait @params(...)

@params(...) annotation can be used to greate generic traits.

trait GenericCollection @paras(T V) {
    def items:[T]
    fn  map:S ( callback:( f:T (item:T))  ) {
        def res:S (new S ())
        for children ch@(lives):T i {
            def new_item@(lives):T (callback (ch))
        return res

class StringCollection {
    does GenericCollection @params(string StringCollection)

def variableName@(optional)

Optional variables can be used as return values of functions where the result is not certain. You can force the unwrapping of the variable with (unwrap <variable>)

def variableName@(weak)

Weak variables are ment to be compiled in the target language as weak references

def variableName@(strong)

Weak variables are ment to be compiled in the target language as strong references

def variableName@(lives)

@(lives) annotation can be used to note the compiler that the variable is supposed to outlive it's current scope.

The variables have lifetime, which determines the point where the variable should be removed. In garbage collected languages you do not have to worry about the lifetime, but in the future there can be target languages which require the lifetime calculations.

def variableName@(temp)

@(temp) annotation can be used to note the compiler that it should not worry about freeing the variable, in case the target language has option to release the variable.


Cross -platform transpiler to enable writing portable algorithms


Language:JavaScript 39.2%Language:Clojure 18.5%Language:TypeScript 14.8%Language:C++ 7.9%Language:Go 7.0%Language:Java 4.2%Language:Swift 4.1%Language:PHP 3.8%Language:Scala 0.3%Language:Batchfile 0.1%Language:C# 0.0%Language:HTML 0.0%