Ducktape is a helper module to extend other modules functionality, or to make them play together.
Every single functionality can be disabled by toggling its related
Those are the modules we work with at present:
- puppetlabs/apache
- puppetlabs/corosync
- puppetlabs/haproxy
- sbitio/logcheck
- rodjek/logrotate
- elasticsearch/logstash
- elasticsearch/logstash-forwarder
- saz/memcached
- sbitio/monit
- sbitio/munin
- puppetlabs/mysql
- fsalum/newrelic
- echocat/nfs
- puppetlabs/ntp
- bi4o4ek/opendkim
- luxflux/openvpn
- mayflower/php
- camptocamp/postfix
- puppetlabs/puppetdb
- puppetlabs/rabbitmq
- saz/rsyslog
- saz/ssh
- saz/sudo
- sbitio/tomcat
- bashtoni/varnish
- puppetlabs/vcsrepo
This module heavily relies on Puppet's defined()
function, so it must be
included after all supported modules lasses to take effect.
Ideally you should include it the last one, as more integration may be added in a feature.
- Move out
- Move out
- Add nagios integration
MIT License, see LICENSE file.
Use contact form at
Please log tickets and issues on GitHub