terencehyz / Seq2KG

A neural model for knowledge graph construction from text.

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A collection of models for the paper "Seq2KG: An End-to-End Neural Model for Domain Agnostic Knowledge Graph (not Text Graph) Construction from Text" by Michael Stewart and Wei Liu.

File structure

datasets // Contains all three datasets mentioned in the paper
    candidate_extraction    // The rule-based model used as a baseline in the paper.
    candidate_filtering     // The neural network-based filtering model
    end_to_end_model        // A GRU-based model to predict all triples in a given document
    joint_model             // The Seq2KG model - same as above, but also predicts entity types
    evaluation              // Scripts for evaluating the performance of each model
    redcoat_parser          // Scripts to convert Redcoat annotation files into datasets for filtering and end_to_end models
    requirements.txt        // All Python requirements for the /sourcecode directory


The code in this repository was written using Python 3.6. You can install the required Python libraries via python -m pip install sourcecode/requirements.txt. We recommend setting up a virtual environment prior to installing packages.

Prior to running any of the models, you must first install the Bert-Base, Cased BERT model and place it under sourcecode/bert. The model is available here.

Once the model has been placed under sourcecode/bert/cased_L-12_H-768_A-12, run bert-as-a-service to allow our models to interact with the BERT model and obtain embeddings:

$ cd sourecode/bert
$ ./run_server_e2e.sh
$ ./run_server_filter.sh

Running the models

Candidate extraction (i.e. the Rule-based model)

To run the rule-based model, simply navigate to sourcecode/candidate_extraction and run:

$ python triples_from_test_data.py

This will process the datasets under datasets and output a list of triples per document to sourcecode/candidate_extraction/output.

Candidate filtering (i.e. the Filtering model)

To run the filtering model, navigate to sourcecode/candidate_filtering. First, build the dataset with:

$ python build_data.py <dataset>

where <dataset> is either bbn, automotiveEngineering, or cateringServices. Then, train the model via:

$ python train.py <dataset>

Once the model has been trained, it can be evaluated on the test data under datasets/ via:

$ python triples_from_test_data.py

End to end and Joint models (Seq2KG)

Training and evaluating the end to end and joint models is exactly the same as the candidate filtering model above. The end-to-end model performs only triple extraction, while the joint model also identifies the entity type(s) of each extracted head and tail in each triple.

Evaluating the models

There is an evaluation script under sourcecode/evaluation that can be used to evaluate the performance across all models:

$ cd sourcecode/evaluation
$ python evaluator.py

The evaluation results will be printed to the terminal window.

Annotated datasets

As part of our submission we have included three manually-annotated datasets, available under datasets/. Two of the datasets were obtained by scraping Carbuzz.com (automotiveEngineering) and Eater.com (cateringServices). The BBN dataset is a standard benchmarking entity typing dataset, obtained here, but also labelled with triples.

Each of the three datasets were labelled for triple extraction using our annotation tool, Redcoat (http://agent.csse.uwa.edu.au/redcoat/). The datasets are labelled in a similar manner to entity typing datasets. An example document:

{"doc_idx": 0, "tokens": ["Barrack", "spoke", "to", "Michelle", "at", "the", "Whitehouse", "."], "mentions": [{"start": 0, "end": 1, "labels": ["head", "head/1"], ... } ... }, ...

More details about the datasets are available in the paper.


A neural model for knowledge graph construction from text.


Language:Python 99.8%Language:Shell 0.2%