teqfw / core

TeqFW: core application functionality.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


The base plugin for any TeqFw-application. It allows building Node.js applications and running console commands.


This package is a part of the Tequila Framework (TeqFW). The TeqFW is currently in an early stage of development and should be considered unstable. It may change rapidly, leading to breaking changes without prior notice. Use it at your own risk. Please note that contributions to the project are welcome, but they should only be made by those who understand and accept the risks of working with an unstable framework.


This teq-plugin contains backend application to scan and registry other teq-plugins and is used in Tequila Framework based projects. core-plugin contains CLI commander and adds plugin's commands to the application. Also, core-plugin loads local configuration from ./cfg/local.json (if the file exist).


This plugin uses TeqFw_Core namespace.


$ npm i @teqfw/core --save 


This plugin uses TeqFw_Core namespace.

CLI commands

These commands are in the plugin:

$ node ./bin/tequila.mjs help
Usage: tequila [options] [command]

  -h, --help                   display help for command

  core-startup-logs            print out startup logs from the application core.
  core-version                 get version of the application.
  help [command]               display help for command


DTO for @teqfw/web node.

  "@teqfw/core": {
    "devMode": false


DTO for @teqfw/core nodes in teq-plugins descriptors.

  "@teqfw/core": {
    "commands": ["Ns_Mod"],
    "plugin": {
      "onInit": "Ns_Mod",
      "onStop": "Ns_Mod"



Create script ./bin/tequila.mjs to make TeqFW app from your project. Place this code inside:

#!/usr/bin/env node
'use strict';
import {dirname, join} from 'path';
import Container from '@teqfw/di';

/* Resolve paths to main folders */
const url = new URL(import.meta.url);
const script = url.pathname;
const bin = dirname(script);  // current folder (./bin)
const root = join(bin, '..'); // project root (./)

try {
    /* Create and setup DI container */
    /** @type {TeqFw_Di_Api_Container} */
    const container = new Container();
    const pathDi = join(root, 'node_modules/@teqfw/di/src');
    const pathCore = join(root, 'node_modules/@teqfw/core/src');
    container.addSourceMapping('TeqFw_Di', pathDi, true, 'mjs');
    container.addSourceMapping('TeqFw_Core', pathCore, true, 'mjs');

    /* Request Container to construct App then run it */
    /** @type {TeqFw_Core_Back_App} */
    const app = await container.get('TeqFw_Core_Back_App$');
    await app.init({path: root, version: '0.1.0'});
    await app.run();
} catch (e) {
    console.error('Cannot create or run TeqFW application.');

add ./teqfw.json

You need to add ./teqfw.json to your project (near ./package.json) with "namespace-to-filesystem" mapping to use dependency injection (@teqfw/di). Choose namespace for your sources (Vendor_Plugin) and map it to the folder with sources (`./src'):

  "di": {
    "autoload": {
      "ns": "Vendor_Plugin",
      "path": "./src"

add command

Create es6-module ./src/Back/Cli/Cmd.mjs with factory that creates command data ( see TeqFw_Core_Back_Api_Dto_Command):

const NS = 'Vendor_Plugin_Back_Cli_Cmd';

 * Factory to create CLI command.
 * @param {TeqFw_Di_Shared_SpecProxy} spec
 * @returns {TeqFw_Core_Back_Api_Dto_Command}
 * @constructor
 * @memberOf Vendor_Plugin_Back_Cli_Cmd
function Factory(spec) {
    // DEPS
    /** @type {TeqFw_Core_Back_Api_Dto_Command.Factory} */
    const fCommand = spec['TeqFw_Core_Back_Api_Dto_Command.Factory$'];

    // FUNCS
     * Command action.
     * @returns {Promise<void>}
     * @memberOf Vendor_Plugin_Back_Cli_Cmd
    const action = async function () {
        console.log('Command is executed.');
    Object.defineProperty(action, 'namespace', {value: NS});

    const res = fCommand.create();
    res.realm = 'app';
    res.name = 'command';
    res.desc = 'command description.';
    res.action = action;
    return res;

Object.defineProperty(Factory, 'namespace', {value: NS});
export default Factory;

Register this command in project's ./teqfw.json:

  "@teqfw/core": {
    "commands": [

New command is appeared in the application:

$ node ./bin/tequila.mjs help
Usage: tequila [options] [command]
  app-commad                 command description.


TeqFW: core application functionality.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:JavaScript 99.8%Language:Shell 0.2%