teodorov / UML-State-Machine-in-C

A minimalist UML State machine framework for finite state machine and hierarchical state machine in C

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UML State Machine in C

This is a lightweight framework for UML state machine implemented in C. It supports both finite state machine and hierarchical state machine. The framework is independent of CPU, operating systems and it is developed specifically for embedded application in mind.

  • The framework is very minimalistic. It has only 3 API's, 2 structures and 1 enumeration.
  • It uses only 116 bytes[1] of code memory for finite state machine and 424 bytes[1] of code memory for a hierarchical state machine. It doesn't use any data memory for the framework itself.

[1]: Compiled in IAR ARM 8.30 compiler in release mode.

The framework contains three files

  1. hsm.c : Implementation of framework
  2. hsm.h : Contains the API's and structure declarations
  3. hsm_config.h : Compile-time configuration of framework.

To read more about finite state machine and hierarchical state machine please go through the following links.

State Machine

The State machine is represented by state_machine_t data type. It is an abstract structure that can be inherited to create a state machine. The state_machine_t must be the first member in the derived state machine.

//! Abstract state machine structure
struct state_machine_t
   uint32_t Event;          //!< Pending Event for state machine
   const state_t* State;    //!< State of state machine.


// Derived state machine
struct user_state_machine
  state_machine_t;    // Base state machine. Must be the first member of user derived state machine.

  // User specific state machine members
  uint32_t param1;
  uint32_t param2;
  uint32_t param3;


Event is represented by 32-bit unsigned int. The Event field in the state_machine_t holds the event value to pass it to the state machine. The Event (in state_machine_t) equal to zero indicates that state machine is ready to accept new event. Write any non-zero value in the Event to pass it to the state machine. The framework clears the Event when state machine processes it successfully. Do not write new event value, when the Event field in the state_machine_t is not zero. In this case, you need to implement Queue in the state machine to push the new event value when state machine is still busy processing the event.


State is represented by a pointer to state_t structure in the framework.

If framework is configured for finite state machine then state_t contains,

typedef struct finite_state_t state_t;

// finite state structure
typedef struct finite_state_t{
  state_handler Handler;        //!< State handler function
  state_handler Entry;          //!< Entry action for state
  state_handler Exit;           //!< Exit action for state.
  • Handler: pointer to function to handle the events of state
  • Entry: pointer to function execute entry action of state
  • Exit: pointer to function to execute exit action of state

The Handler must be initialized. The Entry and Exit actions are optional and can be initialized to NULL if not required.

If a framework is configured to support hierarchical state machine. It contains additional three members to represent the hierarchical relation between the states.

typedef struct hierarchical_state_t state_t;

//! Hierarchical state structure
typedef struct hierarchical_state_t
  state_handler Handler;      //!< State handler function
  state_handler Entry;        //!< Entry action for state
  state_handler Exit;         //!< Exit action for state.

  const state_t* const Parent;    //!< Parent state of the current state.
  const state_t* const Node;      //!< Child states of the current state.
  uint32_t Level;                 //!< Hierarchy level from the top state.
  • Parent: pointer to parent state of the current state
  • Node: pointer to child state of the current state
  • Level: Hierarchical level of state from root. Root state has level zero.

The states can be created compile-time and no additional functions from framework are required for generation of states. In addition, they can be defined as const so that it stored in the read only memory.

event dispatcher

dispatch_event dispatches the event to the state machine.

state_machine_result_t dispatch_event(state_machine_t* const pState_Machine[], uint32_t quantity);

The function takes the arguments pState_Machine as an array of state machines and number of state machines in the array. It iterates through all the state machines in the array and if any state machine has pending event, then it dispatches the event to the state machine. The framework supports the priority based event dispatching. The index of state machine in the array decides the priority of the state machine. The lower the index, higher the priority. That means if two or more state machines have pending event then the dispatcher will dispatch the event of the highest priority (lowest index in the array) state machine first.

The framework works on run to completion principle. Hence, once the event is dispatched it will not be preempted by higher priority state machine. After processing of event, the dispatcher starts iteration from the first (highest priority) state machine to check for pending event. The event to higher priority state machine is dispatched only after completion of current event processing.

The function returns when there is no pending event in the array of state machines or if an event is not handled successfully.

//! List of state machine result code
typedef enum
  EVENT_HANDLED,      //!< Event handled successfully.
  EVENT_UN_HANDLED,    //!< Event could not be handled.
  //!< Handler handled the Event successfully and posted new event to itself.
  • EVENT_HANDLED: All the pending events in the array of state machine has dispatched and handled successfully.
  • EVENT_UN_HANDLED: The framework terminated as state machine could not handled the event.

The dispatch_event never returns 'TRIGGERED_TO_SELF' return code.

Call this function periodically. The recommended approach is

  if(dispatch_event(State_Machines, 1) == EVENT_UN_HANDLED)
    // log error
  wait_for_event();   // Go to low power mode waiting for external event to trigger.

State transition

The framework supports two types of state transition,

  1. switch_state:
state_machine_result_t switch_state(state_machine_t* const pState_Machine, const state_t* pTarget_State);

Use this function when framework is configured for finite state machine. You can also use this function in hierarchical state machine if the source and target states have a common parent state. It calls the exit action of source state and then calls the entry action of target state in the state transition.

  1. traverse_state:
state_machine_result_t traverse_state(state_machine_t* const pState_Machine, const state_t* pTarget_State);

Use this function when you need to traverse through the hierarchy from source state to target state. It calls the exit action of each parent state of source while traversing from the source state. It calls the entry action of each parent state while traversing to the target state.


The framework can be configured to support different use cases. To change the default configuration, define a macro HSM_CONFIG using compiler -D option and provide a path to "hsm_config.h" file. Add your configuration in hsm_config.h to override the default configuration in the hsm.h. Modifying hsm.h for configuration is not recommended.

finite/hierarchical state machine

The framework can be configured to support either finite state machine or hierarchical state machine using a macro in hsm_config.h file. By default, the framework supports hierarchical state machine. Use "hsm_config.h" file to customize the framework.

Change the value of HIERARCHICAL_STATES (in the "hsm_config.h") to enable/disable hierarchical state machine.

// 0 : disable hierarchical state machine. Only Finite state machine is supported.
// 1 : enable Hierarchical state machine. Both finite and hierarchical state machine is supported.

Enable logging

Change the value of STATE_MACHINE_LOGGER to enable/disable state machine logging. By default, logging is disabled.

// 0: disable the state machine logger
// 1: enable the state machine logger

Disable Variable length array

The traverse_state function uses variable length array feature in the implementation of hierarchical state machine. If you want to disable variable length array used in the framework, either due to compiler doesn't support or some other reason, then HSM_USE_VARIABLE_LENGTH_ARRAY to 0.

If you disable "variable length array" then you need to manually provide the highest value of hierarchical level among all the state machines. use MAX_HIERARCHICAL_LEVEL to set the maximum hierarchical level. This should be highest state_t::Level value among all the state machines.

By default, framework uses variable length array implementation.

// 0: disable variable length array used in hsm.c
// 1: enable variable length array used in hsm.c

State machine logging

The framework supports the logging mechanism for debugging purpose using two callback functions. User needs to implement logger functions and pass it to dispatch_event.

typedef void (*state_machine_event_logger)(uint32_t state_machine, uint32_t state, uint32_t event);
typedef void (*state_machine_result_logger)(uint32_t state, state_machine_result_t result);


This function is called before dispatching the event to state machine. The framework passes 3 arguments to this callback function.

  • state_machine: index of state machine in the array
  • state: unique id of current state in the state machine.
  • event: event to be dispatched to the state machine.


This function is called after dispatching the event to state machine. The framework passes 2 arguments to this callback function.

  • state: unique id of the current state after handling of the event.
  • result: Result of event handled by state machine.

Users can use this logging mechanism to also log the time consumed to handle the event by state machine. Start timer on state_machine_event_logger and stop on state_machine_result_logger.


simple state machine
simple state machine (enhanced)
simple hierarchical state machine
Toaster oven


  • Add more real world examples/demo's specially related to embedded systems
  • Add support of CMake so that different types of IDE and compilers can be supported in the demo's
  • Add support of continuous integration



A minimalist UML State machine framework for finite state machine and hierarchical state machine in C

License:MIT License


Language:C++ 97.9%Language:C 1.4%Language:CMake 0.6%Language:Batchfile 0.1%