teodoran / k8s-infra

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This repository contains the Kubernetes Cluster Manifests for the Computas DevOps 101 workshop. This readme is for the workshop participants, if you are an instructor and need the Setup instructions see here.

Step 5: Forked it, now what?

So far you've created your own application repository, added CI workflows that automatically build and push your container images, declared how you want your application to be deployed, and you've forked this repository. The reason you forked this repository is that you want to propose a change to the cx-devops-101/k8s-infra repository, where you tell the GitOps operator about your application's workload manifests. In stark opposite from before, this time we actually do want the pull-requests to be merged back into the original repository, i.e. cx-devops-101/k8s-infra, so make a mental note of that. Let's begin adding our new application to the cluster.

Step 6: Declare application

The declaration of our application will consist of a new directory with three files:

  1. <github-username>/namespace.yaml: In this file we declare the namespace that we want to deploy our application into.
  2. <github-username>/notes-app-source.yaml: In this file we tell the GitOps operator about our application repository.
  3. <github-username>/notes-app.yaml: In this file we tell the GitOps operator where to find the kubernetes workload manifests for our application in the repository we told it about in the previous file.

Adding new files to a new directory through the GitHub website is a bit more difficult to explain in text but we'll try our best, though hopefully the instructors has already shown you how. First off, navigate to the cluster-production directory. Before we continue, open the notes-app in a new browser tab, you'll need it later.


  1. Click on Add file in the upper-right corner of the file view.
  2. Then click on Create new file.
  3. You should be redirected to a text-editor where you'll see a Name your file... text input.
  4. Type in <github-username>/namespace.yaml. When you've added the / the UI will make it clear that it understands that you want to put the file in a directory named <github-username>.
  5. Open notes-app/namespace.yaml in a new tab, and copy the file contents.
  6. Paste the contents into your new file.
  7. Replace name: notes-app with name: <github-username>.
  8. Commit the file directly to the main-branch.


  1. Navigate to the <github-username> directory you added when you created namespace.yaml.
  2. Then click on Create new file.
  3. Enter notes-app-source.yaml as the filename.
  4. Open notes-app/notes-app-source.yaml in a new tab, and copy the file contents.
  5. Paste the contents into your new file.
  6. Replace name: notes-app with name: <github-username>.
  7. Replace branch: production with branch: master.
  8. Replace https://github.com/cx-devops-101/notes-app with the url to your notes-app repository, e.g. https://github.com/<github-username>/notes-app.
  9. Commit the file directly to the main-branch.


  1. Navigate to the <github-username> directory you added when you created namespace.yaml.
  2. Then click on Create new file.
  3. Enter notes-app.yaml as the filename.
  4. Open notes-app/notes-app.yaml in a new tab, and copy the file contents.
  5. Paste the contents into your new file.
  6. Replace both instances of name: notes-app with name: <github-username>.
  7. Replace branch: production with branch: master.
  8. Replace targetNamespace: notes-app with targetNamespace: <github-username>
  9. Commit the file directly to the main-branch.

Step 7: Pull request

At this point you should have added some new files to your fork of cx-devops-101/k8s-infra, and you should be ready to create a pull request back to the source repository. Navigate back to the root of your repository. You should see a grey box where it says This branch is 3 commits ahead of cx-devops-101:main. with a Pull request link to the right, click on it. You should be redirected to a page with the title Comparing changes, and you should see the following at the top:

  1. base repository: cx-devops-101/k8s-infra and base: main
  2. head repository: <github-username>/k8s-infra and compare: main
  3. Able to merge

If all that seems to match up, then go ahead and create the pull request. A maintainer of cx-devops-101/k8s-infra will look at your pull request as soon as possible, and when it is merged your application should quickly be available at the domain you declared in the igress.yaml in your notes-app repository, e.g. http://<github-username>.devops.rosbach.no.



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