tenorviol / react-demo

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react demo

Goal: Use react for rendering html on both the server and the client.

In this demo, we will randomly select an aphorism and display it in a web page. I've copied a long list of aphorisms into src/aphorism.js, and created the function getRandom(). Test this out by running from the command line:


Use npm to install react, react tools, express, supervisor and watchify.

npm install --save react react-tools express supervisor watchify

React templates can be written in the jsx language, which mixes html-esque xml and javascript. Jsx templates must begin with the line /** @jsx React.DOM */, or the jsx pre-compiler will assume it is javascript and leave it unchanged. Each template is created with a call to React.createClass. The example jsx/AphorismView.js, shown below, inserts a single property element as text into the div. Meanwhile the example jsx/IndexView.js composes AphorismView into itself.

/** @jsx React.DOM */

var React = require('react');

module.exports = React.createClass({
  render: function() {
    return (
      <div className="jumbotron">

Jsx templates can be compiled into javascript using the command line tool, jsx. With the --watch directive, jsx will run each time a file is changed in the source directory.

./node_modules/.bin/jsx --watch jsx template

Templates can be rendered server side using React.renderComponentToString(View(properties)). Run the server using supervisor so it will pick up any changes we make to our code, and check out the result at localhost:3000.

./node_modules/.bin/supervisor src/server.js

If we're going to run our react code client side, we will need to get the javascript code client side as well. We'll use browserify to package up the necessary code into a single javascript file.

mkdir public/js
./node_modules/.bin/watchify src/client.js -o public/js/client.js

Once the application has been reloaded with this client.js file, you will be able to output new aphorisms from the console with:

