tenko / gltools

Library for quickly creating OpenGL based application

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


gltools is library for quickly creating OpenGL based application in Python/Cython with support for:

  • Access to vertex buffers and GLSL shaders
  • Access to truetype fonts
  • Windows handling through GLFW
  • Saving framebuffer content to PNG file.
  • Simple GUI controls

OpenGL version 2.1 is targeted which should be available in most computers these days, even in a laptop's integrated graphics.

The license is GPL v2.


  • Python 2.7/3.x and Cython 0.17 or later.
  • The geotools library.
  • GLFW v3.0
  • OpenGL headers

For Linux build scripts are available for ArchLinux in the AUR repository. These could be adapted to other Linux distros.


  • v0.2.1 : Updated to released version of GLFW3
  • v0.1.1 : Added missing files and fix building against GLFW3 trunk.


See online Sphinx docs


Library for quickly creating OpenGL based application



Language:C 87.5%Language:Python 8.3%Language:C++ 4.2%