tencentcloud-tci / terraform-tencentcloud-multiversx-node

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MultiversX Terraform Stack for Observer node types

This solution deploys a Terraform stack for the MultiversX observer nodes on Tencent Cloud. It uses Tencent Cloud Lighthouse as main compute service alongside other necessary resources. The chosen Operating system is an OpenCloudOS (centOS compatible) with docker pre-installed.

Multiversx documentation: https://github.com/multiversx/mx-chain-observing-squad#observing-squad

Choose the right observer node type

Here are the options.

Observer-Lite: MultiversX Observer node with "lite" deployment mode for all 4 shards, which optimizes speed but doesn't offer access to the full blockchain history but only stores the current epoch. Usage:

  • light dApps which don't need full access to all blockchain history
  • suited for high load API calls for basic ops such as getAddress, getBalance, listAssets, etc
  • optimized for account queries and smart contract queries

Observer-DBlookup-HDD: MultiversX Observer node with "db-lookup" deployment mode for all 4 shards, which balances sync speed and access to full chains history. Usage:

  • most of the dApps which need to balance speed and history
  • includes the dblookup option so can have extended block db history
  • Separate Premium HDD drives for every shard delivering up to 6000iops per disk

Observer-DBlookup-SSD: MultiversX Observer node with "db-lookup" deployment mode for all 4 shards, which balances sync speed and access to full chains history. Usage:

  • most of the dApps which need to balance speed and history
  • includes the dblookup option so can have extended block db history
  • Separate SSD drives for every shard delivering up to 12000iops per disk


  • The underlying compute service used is called Tencent Cloud Lighthouse
  • The Cloud Accounts creation process will be streamlined for speed
  • There is an Account preparation phase which needs to be made prior to node deployment
  • The node deployment repository will be made available alongside the procedure for deployment
  • The accounts and instances are secured according Cloud and industry best practices
  • For the DB-LOOKUP nodes, their up-to-date (max 24h) snapshot is retrieved before deployment
  • The deployment of the shard processes is made in docker containers in separate “screens” (to make debugging and operation easy)
  • Integrated instance resource monitor is available in Lighthouse panel
  • All Instances have Tencent Cloud CLI and COS tools pre-installed
  • The code also includes update / delete commands

Pre-requisites (procedures)

Tencent Cloud Account Creation and Setup

Please follow the below procedures to set-up your Tencent Cloud Account

Deployment configuration

The deployment is made with terraform, directly through the API of the Tencent Cloud Account created in the step above. To achieve the deployment, the environment must be set-up. Here are the steps:

Step1 - Generate new Tencent Cloud API keys and export them locally

MacOS & Linux

  • Create a new folder containing your project and switch to it mkdir $HOME/mvx-observer && cd "$_"
  • Create a new environment variable file that will be used for sourcing (e.g nano vars.txt). This file should contain: "TENCENTCLOUD_SECRET_ID": "", "TENCENTCLOUD_SECRET_KEY": "", "TENCENTCLOUD_REGION": ""
    • The first 2 values you need to paste from the Tencent cloud console Access Key section and the region must be taken from the valid list of regions, for example eu-frankfurt
    • Once the 3 lines are added to the text file, save and close (CTRL+X & Y for nano)
    • Remember that this file contains the credentials to your Tencent Cloud Account, so it must be secured and not to be disclosed to unauthorized parties
  • source the file above to write the variables to current environment source ~/Documents/Projects/export.txt (example) Once the environment variables are set you can continue to the next step

Step2 - configure local deployment environment

  • Install VSCode
  • Install VSCode Terraform extension
  • Open the terminal and Install terraform locally. For example on MacOS
    • brew tap hashicorp/tap
    • brew install hashicorp/tap/terraform
    • terraform -version

Solution deployment

If you got up to this point, you are ready to deploy the solution. For this you need to create a single file, which will contain the module instantiation with the custom parameters

Here is a sample

Sample lite observer

module "multiversx-observer-lite" {
#-------source repo
  source = "tencentcloud-tci/multiversx-node/tencentcloud" #terraform module published in the registry
  #-------basic variables
  az            = "eu-frankfurt-1" #availability zone to deploy
  instance_name = "mvx-myobserver" #name of the LH instance
  #-------deployment variables
  deployment_mode = "lite" #the deployment mode: lite, db-lookup-hdd, db-lookup-ssd
  purchase_period = 1 #the valability of the purchase, in months
  blueprint_id  = "lhbp-a7oxy3em" #the id of the blueprint, we recommend using OpenCloudOS8 with docker
  bundle_id = "bundle_ent_lin_02" #if performance is not a concern you can also use the 'bundle2022_gen_lin_05' (2core/8GB) for testnet/devnet only 
  #-------State specific variables
  need_tat_commands = true #set 'false' only if the commands are already deployed (if previous/paralel deployment existed)
  #-------Chain specific variables
  network = "mainnet" #choose between mainnet, testnet, devnet
  #-------firewall details
  ssh_client_cidr = "" #source ip of the management location (for SSH whitelisting)
  extra_firewall_rules = [{ #specify the public proxy port
      protocol                  = "TCP"
      port                      = "8079"
      cidr_block                = ""
      action                    = "ACCEPT"
      firewall_rule_description = "proxy port"

Sample db-lookup observer

module "multiversx-observer" {
  #-------source repo
  source = "tencentcloud-tci/multiversx-node/tencentcloud" #terraform module published in the registry
  #-------basic variables
  az            = "eu-frankfurt-1" #availability zone to deploy
  instance_name = "mx-myobserver" #name of the LH instance
  #-------deployment variables
  deployment_mode = "lite" #the deployment mode: lite, db-lookup-hdd, db-lookup-ssd
  purchase_period = 1 #the valability of the purchase, in months
  blueprint_id  = "lhbp-a7oxy3em" #the id of the blueprint, we recommend using OpenCloudOS8 with docker
  bundle_id = "bundle_ent_lin_02" #if performance is not a concern you can also use the 'bundle2022_gen_lin_05' (2core/8GB) for testnet/devnet only 

  #-------State specific variables
  need_tat_commands = true #set 'false' only if the commands are already deployed (if previous/paralel deployment existed)
  #-------Chain specific variables
  network = "mainnet" #choose between mainnet, testnet, devnet

  #-------firewall details
  ssh_client_cidr = "" #source ip of the management location (for SSH whitelisting)
  extra_firewall_rules = [{ #specify the public proxy port
      protocol                  = "TCP"
      port                      = "8079"
      cidr_block                = ""
      action                    = "ACCEPT"
      firewall_rule_description = "proxy port"
  #-------disk variables for db-lookup option
  #leave default unless disk becomes full
  cbs0_disk_size = 350 #disk contains node-0 and node-metachain data
  cbs1_disk_size = 450 #disk contains node-1
  cbs2_disk_size = 300 #disk contains node-2

Main parameters

A few of parameters are needed to deploy the instance

  • source is the terraform registry module name
  • az is the availability zone within the selected region
  • instance_name give a name to your node
  • purchase_period the purchase period in months
  • deployment_mode the deployment mode: lite, db-lookup-hdd, db-lookup-ssd
  • bundle_id used to select the instance type, leave default. Other bundles
  • blueprint_id used for selection of the instance image, leave default. Other blueprints
  • ssh_client_cidr source ip of the management location (for SSH whitelisting)
  • need_tat_commands set 'false' only if the commands are already deployed (if previous/paralel deployment existed)
  • network choose between mainnet, testnet, devnet. This selection will switch the MultiversX network.
  • extra_firewall_rules define own custom firewall inbound rule
  • cbsX_disk_size where X=0,1,2. this variable defines the size of the disk for the node databases For reference here is the Tencent Cloud Terraform provider

Stack deployment

Having the configuration done, continue with these commands

  • terraform init
  • terraform plan
  • terraform apply select yes, enter

The deployment will take more the for db-archive node types because of the node database which has to be retrieved from the mirror

If you are deploying in the same folder an updated version of the stack please upgrade the modules from source with the command below:

  • terraform init -upgrade More details here

Deployment details

We use screen when start the different services. There are 5 screen sessions created:

  • proxy
  • squad-metachain
  • squad-0
  • squad-1
  • squad-2

If you login the console hit screen -r to view the running screens and if you wish to enter one of the shard or proxy processes add its name at the end. For example screen -r squad-1 To exit the screen mode hit CTRL-A + D

Here are some details of the supported modes:

Lite node type

Program Directory
node-0 /data/MyObservingSquad/node-0
node-1 /data/MyObservingSquad/node-1
node-2 /data/MyObservingSquad/node-2
node-metachain /data/MyObservingSquad/node-metachain
proxy /data/MyObservingSquad/proxy

DB-lookup node type

This node type requires an additional 3 cloud disks: cbs-0, cbs-1, cbs-2

  • cbs-0 containes the deployment of: node-0 and node-metachain
  • cbs-1 containes the deployment of: node-1
  • cbs-2 containes the deployment of: node-2
Service Directory
node-0 /data/MyObservingSquad/cbs-0/node-0
node-1 /data/MyObservingSquad/cbs-1/node-1
node-2 /data/MyObservingSquad/cbs-2/node-2
node-metachain /data/MyObservingSquad/cbs-0/node-metachain
proxy /data/MyObservingSquad/proxy

For the db-lookup option there are types of cloud disk available:

  • hdd: corresponds to "premium cloud disks" on TencentCloud
  • ssd: corresponds to "SSD cloud disks" on TencentCloud

Check the performance of these 2 cloud disk types here

How to use the TAT commands


This command is used to deploy a node.



  • required
  • value: lite, db-lookup-hdd, db-lookup-ssd

when deployment_mode=db-lookup-hdd, db-lookup-ssd, extra variables should be set:

  • deployment_mode: has to be one of the 2 db-lookup options


This command is for routine operations.



  • required
  • value: upgrade_all, stop_all, start_all
Value Desc
upgrade_all To check the docker image(multiversx/chain-observer, multiversx/chain-squad-proxy) latest tag. If there is a new tag, it will download and restart the node.
stop_all To stop the node's programs
start_all To start the node's programs

Managing the node

Logging in

  • Log in Tencent Cloud Console and go to Lighthouse service
  • Identify the instance and click log in -> Auto -> Login. you are now in the console

Verify operation

  • Verify the node processes are running. You should see something like below
         [lighthouse@VM-0-24-centos ~]$ sudo -i
         [root@VM-0-24-centos ~]# docker ps
         CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                COMMAND                  CREATED              STATUS              PORTS                                NAMES
         d99f497501cd   multiversx/chain-squad-proxy:using   "./proxy ./proxy"        About a minute ago   Up About a minute   8079-8080/tcp                        proxy
         1ade927d96e7   multiversx/chain-observer:using      "/go/mx-chain-go/cmd…"   About a minute ago   Up About a minute   8080/tcp,>37373/tcp   squad-metachain
         c20f7bc91887   multiversx/chain-observer:using      "/go/mx-chain-go/cmd…"   About a minute ago   Up About a minute   8080/tcp,>37373/tcp   squad-2
         51c1aa339df2   multiversx/chain-observer:using      "/go/mx-chain-go/cmd…"   About a minute ago   Up About a minute   8080/tcp,>37373/tcp   squad-1
         30a5d0c28e48   multiversx/chain-observer:using      "/go/mx-chain-go/cmd…"   About a minute ago   Up About a minute   8080/tcp,>37373/tcp   squad-0
         [root@VM-0-24-centos ~]# screen -r
         There are several suitable screens on:
              4481.proxy      (Detached)
              4420.squad-metachain    (Detached)
              4378.squad-2    (Detached)
              4357.squad-1    (Detached)
              4332.squad-0    (Detached)
         Type "screen [-d] -r [pid.]tty.host" to resume one of them.
         [root@VM-0-24-centos ~]# 
  • There are other, more advanced ways to verify node operation. Please check MultiversX repository
  • Verify machine load and traffic by clicking the Monitoring tab


License:MIT License


Language:Shell 72.1%Language:HCL 27.9%