telyn / MIDITumbler

VST MIDI effect based on Teenage Engineering's OP-1.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is the git repository, for the hardcore hacker types. If you just want to use MidiTumbler, download it from my website.

It's been built for Windows and OS X succesfully, though it doesn't appear to work under OS X. A Linux port is unlikely.

Setting up a build environment

You'll need a copy of Box2D compiled as a static library, as well as the VST SDK. I set mine up so that in my Visual Studio 2010 folder I have a lib folder, into which I have put the Box2D source and VST SDK, as Box2D_v2.2.1 and vstsdk2.4, respectively. The project file uses relative paths, so you can do the same without having to touch the project properties. Obviously it's easily customisable :-)


VST MIDI effect based on Teenage Engineering's OP-1.

License:MIT License


Language:C++ 99.2%Language:C 0.8%