telvis07 / kaggle-melbourne-university-seizure-prediction

Analysis for the Human EEG Kaggle competition

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Kaggle Seizure Prediction Competition

author: Telvis Calhoun date: February 3, 2017 autosize: true

Kaggle Competition Goal

Detect seizure (preictal) or non-seizure (interical) segments of intracranial electroencephalography (iEEG) data. See Kaggle EEG Competition page for more details.

My Approach:

  • Extract basic stats and FFT features for non-overlapping 30-second iEEG windows
  • Detect signal drop out and impute missing data with mean for each feature per window
  • Predict seizure and non-seizure segments using a stacked model.

Overview of Stacked Model


Model Features

Random Forest

  • Min, Max, Mean, Median, Std Err, Absolute Sum per EEG channel per window
  • Kurtosis, Skewness per EEG channel per EEG Channel per window
  • Entropy of FFT magnitude and phases
  • Entropy, Eignenvalues of EEG channels


  • Number of windows per file predicted preictal by RF
  • Number of windows per file predicted interictal by RF

Model Parameters


  • Number of Trees (ntree) - 50
  • Number of variables randomly sampled as candidates at each split (mtry) - 74
  • Metric - Accuracy
  • Number training folds - 5
  • Use SMOTE due to preictal/interictal class imbalance


  • Weight for Preictal samples: 1.0
  • Weight for Interictal samples : 0.25
  • Number training folds - 5

GLM Predictions

  • Each point represents a 10-minute EEG segment file
  • X-axis is the number of 30-second windows predicted as preictal by the RF
  • Y-axis is the number of 30-second windows predicted as interictal by the RF
  • The closer to an axis, the more certain the predicion

GLM Predictions

Final Thoughts


Analysis for the Human EEG Kaggle competition


Language:R 100.0%