tejis / uploader

A lightweight and very configurable jQuery plugin for file uploading using ajax(a sync); includes support for queues, progress tracking and drag and drop.

Home Page:https://danielmg.org/demo/java-script/uploader

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

jQuery Ajax File Uploader Widget

A jQuery plugin for file uploading using ajax(a sync); includes support for queues, progress tracking and drag and drop.

Very configurable and easy to adapt to any Frontend design, and very easy to work along side any backend logic.

The focus will be modern browsers, but also providing a method to know when the plugin is not supported. The idea is to keep it simple and lightweight.

Basic Javascript knowledge is necessary to setup this plugin: how to set settings, callback events, etc.

  • Lightweight: ~8.00 KB
  • Dependencies: just jQuery!
  • License: Released under the MIT license

Build Status npm version Bower version


Check the live Demos here: https://danielmg.org/demo/java-script/uploader

Table of contents



npm install dm-file-uploader --save


bower install dm-file-uploader --save

Download tarball

You can download the latest release tarball directly from releases


git clone https://github.com/danielm/uploader.git

Migration from v0.x.x

1.x.x got a lot of changes and new features, if you are a previous version user read CHANGELOG.md, there you can find the specific details of what was changed or removed.


As shown in the demos there are many ways to use the plugin, but the basic concepts are:

  • Initialize the plugin on any HTML element such as: <div /> to provide a Drag and drop area.
  • All <input type="file"/> inside the main area element will be bound too.
  • Optionally you can bind it directly to the <input />

Example Markup

This is the simple html markup. The file input is optional but it provides an alternative way to select files for the user(check the online demo to se how to hide/style it)

<div id="drop-area">
  <h3>Drag and Drop Files Here<h3/>
  <input type="file" title="Click to add Files">


   <script src="/path/to/jquery.dm-uploader.min.js"></script>
  url: '/path/to/backend/upload.asp',
  //... More settings here...
  onInit: function(){
    console.log('Callback: Plugin initialized');
  // ... More callbacks

Down below there is a detailed list of all available Options and Callbacks.

Additionally, after initialization you can use any of the available Methods to interact with the plugin.


  • queue: (boolean) Default true Files will upload one by one.

  • auto: (boolean) Default true Files will start uploading right after they are added. If using the queue system this option means the queue will start automatically after the first file is added.

    Setting this to false will require you to manually start the uploads using the API Methods.

  • dnd: (boolean) Default true Enables Drag and Drop.

  • hookDocument: (boolean) Default true Disables dropping files on $(document).

    This is necessary to prevent the Browser from redirecting when dropping files.

    The only reason why you may want to disable it is when using multiple instances of the plugin. If that's the case you only need to use it once.

  • multiple: (boolean) Default true Allows the user to select or drop multiple files at the same time.

  • url: (string) Default document.URL Server URL to handle file uploads (backend logic).

  • method: (string) Default POST HTTP method used by the upload request.

  • extraData: (object/function) Collection of parameters to add in the upload request.

    // Example
    extraData: {
       "galleryid": 666

    If you need a dynamic value this can be set as a function. Also, if this function returns false nothing will be added.

    // Example
    extraData: function() {
       return {
         "galleryid": $('#gallery').val()
  • headers: (object) Collection of headers to send in the upload request.

    // Example
    headers: {
       'X-CSRF-TOKEN': $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content')
  • dataType: (string) Default null Response type of the upload request.

    Default is null which means jQuery will try to 'guess' depending of what the server returns.

    Other values can be: xml, json, script, html or text

    Reference: http://api.jquery.com/jquery.ajax/

  • fieldName: (string) Default 'file' Field name in the upload request where we 'attach' the file.

    // For example in PHP if using the default value you can access the file by using:
    // 'file' correspond to the value of this option.
  • maxFileSize: (integer) Default 0 File validation: Max file size in bytes. Zero means no limit.

    maxFileSize: 3000000 // 3 Megs
  • allowedTypes: (string) Default "*" File validation: Regular expression to match file mime-type.

    allowedTypes: "image/*"
  • extFilter: (array) Default null File validation: Array of allowed extensions.

    extFilter: ["jpg", "jpeg", "png", "gif"]


General purpose

  • onInit: () Widget it's ready to use.

  • onFallbackMode: () Triggers only when the browser is not supported by the plugin.

  • onDragEnter: () User is dragging files over the drop Area.

  • onDragLeave: () User left the drop Area.

    This also triggers when the files are dropped.

  • onDocumentDragEnter: () User is dragging files anywhere over the $(document)

  • onDocumentDragLeave: () User left the $(document) area.

    This also triggers when the files are dropped.

  • onComplete: () All pending files are completed.

    Only applies when using queue: true. See options.

    Triggers when the queue reaches the end (even if some files were cancelled or gave any error).

File callbacks

All these include id

id (string): Unique ID. Useful to identify the same file in subsequent callbacks.

  • onNewFile: (id, file) A new file was selected or dropped by the user.

    • file (object): File object, use it to access file details such as name, size, etc.

      For reference click here.

    • If multiple are added, this gets called multiple times.

    • File validations were already executed.

    • If a return value is provided and is === false the file will be ignored by the widget.

    • Use this return value to implement your own validators.

  • onBeforeUpload: (id) Upload request is about to be executed.

  • onUploadProgress: (id, percent) Got a new upload percentage for the file

    percent (integer) : 0-100

  • onUploadSuccess: (id, data) File was successfully uploaded and got a response form the server

    data (object) : Upload request response. The object type of this parameter depends of: dataType

    See more in options.

  • onUploadError: (id, xhr, status, errorThrown) An error happened during the upload request.

    xhr (object) : XMLHttpRequest

    status (integer) : Error type, example: "timeout", "error", "abort", and "parsererror"

    errorThrown (string) : Only when an HTTP error occurs: Not Found, Bad Request, etc.

    Reference: http://api.jquery.com/jquery.ajax/

  • onUploadComplete: (id) The upload of the file was complete.

    This triggers right after onUploadSuccess or onUploadError. In both cases.

  • onUploadCanceled: (id) Upload was cancelled by the user.

    This one triggers when cancelling an upload using one of the API methods.

    See more in methods.

Validation callbacks

  • onFileTypeError: (file) File type validation failed.

    Triggers when using the setting: allowedTypes.

    See more in options.

  • onFileSizeError: (file) File size validation failed.

    Triggers when using the setting: maxFileSize.

    See more in options.

  • onFileExtError: (file) File extension validation failed.

    Triggers when using the setting: extFilter.

    See more in options.


There are a few methods you can use to interact with the widget, some of their behavior may depend on settings.

  • start: (id) Start the upload. (id is optional)

    Depending on the situation this method may do:

    • Start the upload of an individual file if an id was provided and there isn't a queue running.
    • Retry a failed or a previously cancelled file.
    • Start the queue if auto is set to false and no id is provided
    • Start ALL the pending files if queue is set to false false


    $("#drop-area").dmUploader("start", id);
  • cancel: (id) Cancel the upload. (id is optional)

    Depending on the situation this method may do:

    • Cancel a file that is currently uploading if an id is provided.
    • Cancel all currently uploading files if an id is NOT provided.
    • Cancel a pending file, and it it will be skipped by the queue if using that option
    • Stop the current queue if using that option, and all current uploads.


    $("#drop-area").dmUploader("cancel", id);
  • reset: () Resets the plugin

    • Stops all uploads
    • Removes all files
    • Resets queue


  • destroy: () Destroys all plugin data

    • Stops all uploads
    • Removes all files
    • Releases all the events, including the ones used by hookDocument if using that option


    // Example


A lightweight and very configurable jQuery plugin for file uploading using ajax(a sync); includes support for queues, progress tracking and drag and drop.


License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 96.3%Language:CSS 3.7%