teimuraz / react-test-task

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

React Test Task

Welcome to the test, purpose of this exercise is to see you coding style and overall approach to software engineering. In order to start the test please fork this repo, once you are done send pull request and a link in email.


Please create simple contacts management app.

  • On the main screen, the list of contacts should be displayed.
  • The search field at the top of the main screen should provide ability to search among all contacts by any field: For example: If I enter 'John', it should display those contacts whose name, email or phone (unlikely phone will contain letters) include 'john' (case-insensitive), if I enter '12' it should display those contacts whose name, email or phone include '12', etc.
  • When "Add Contact" button on main screen is clicked, new contact card should appear with following fields:
    • Name
    • Phone
    • Email
    • Edit Button.
    • Favourite Button.
  • Edit contact button should navigate to new screen that will allow editing of a contact and saving it.
  • Favourite button should add contact to list of favourites.
  • Create "Favourites" view that only displays favourited contacts.
  • All data should be stored locally (local storage)


  • Please use React and Redux for this app.
  • You can add any modules that you required for the tasks or if you wanna add something.
  • For UI you can use any library of your choice (for example, bootstrap)
  • "Favourite" feature is optional, implement it if you have enough time.

Good Luck!
