tehmugi / patches_release

a repository for various english translation patches for console games.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

English translation patches for various console games.

Supported games:

source:		relase:							version:	release date:
-----		-----							-----		-----
ULJM-05456	Evangelion - Girlfriend of Steel -Portable-		v1.01		09.07.2023
									- v1.00		- 04.06.2023

ULJM-05477	Evangelion - Girlfriend of Steel 2nd -Portable-		v1.02		07.01.2023
									- v1.01		- 23.12.2017
									- v1.00		- 12.10.2016

ULJS-00011	Echo Night - The First Voyage				v1.00		15.08.2022

ULJS-00011	The Haunted Zone					v1.00		26.09.2022


a repository for various english translation patches for console games.