tef / arson

a restructured object notation

Home Page:https://pypi.org/project/arson/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

ARSON: A Restructured Object Notation

ARSON is JSON, with a little bit of sugar: Comments, Commas, and Tags.

For example:

    "numbers": +0123.0,       # Can have leading zeros
    "octal": 0o10,            # Oh, and comments too
    "hex": 0xFF,              #
    "binary": 0b1000_0001,    # Number literals can have _'s 

    "lists": [1,2,3,],        # Lists can have trailing commas

    "strings": "At least \x61 \u0061 and \U00000061 work now",
    "or": 'a string',         # both "" and '' work.

    "records": {
        "a": 1,               # Must have unique keys
        "b": 2,               # and the order must be kept

Along with some sugar atop JSON, ARSON supports tagging literals to represent types outside of JSON:

  • @datetime "2017-11-22T23:32:07.100497Z", a tagged RFC 3339 datestamp
  • @duration 60 (a duration in seconds, float or int)
  • @base64 "...==", a base64 encoded bytestring
  • @set, @dict, @complex, @bytestring


Use pip install arson to get the latest copy of the python library. The arson library has two methods, parse and dump.

import arson


If you want to use your own tagged object types, you can create a custom Codec:

import arson

class Example:
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = value
    def __repr__(self):
        return f"Example {self.value}"

def object_to_tagged(obj):
    if isinstance(obj, Example):
        return "Example", {"value": obj.value}
        raise NotImplementedError()

def tagged_to_object(name, value):
    if name == "Example":
        return Example(value['value'])
        raise NotImplementedError()
codec = arson.Codec(object_to_tagged, tagged_to_object)


Supported Datatypes

This library supports serializing and deserializing the following types

  • str, int, bool
  • float (including Infinity and Nan)
  • list, tuple (but will always return a list)
  • dict, set, OrderedDict (but will use dicts on 3.7+)
  • datetime, timedelta (but will convert times to UTC)
  • bytestring, bytearray (but will return a bytearray)
  • complex

The fixed width numeric types are currently unsupported (Sorry).

ARSON in a Nutshell

  • File MUST be utf-8, not cesu-8/utf-16/utf-32, without surrogate pairs.
  • Use #.... <end of line> for comments
  • Byte Order Mark is treated as whitespace (along with \x09, \x0a, \x0d, \x20)
  • ARSON Document is any ARSON Object, (i.e 1 is a valid ARSON file).
  • Lists are [], [obj], [obj,], [obj, obj] ... (trailing comma optional)
  • Records are {"key": value}, keys must be unique, order must be preserved.
  • Built-ins: true, false, null
  • "unicode strings" with escapes \" \\ \/ \b \f \n \r \t \uFFFF \UFFFFFFFF, no control codes unecaped, and '' can be used instead of "".
  • int/float numbers (unary plus or minus, allowleading zeros, hex, octal, and binary integer liters)
  • Tagged literals: @name [1,2,3] for any other type of value.

Errors are fatal. A record with duplicate keys, or a string too long, or a number too big to represent MUST cause the parse to fail outright.

ARSON Object Model and Syntax

ARSON has the following types of literals:

  • null, true, false
  • Numbers (Floating Point, and integer literals: decimal, binary, octal, hex)
  • Strings (using single or double quotes)
  • Lists
  • Records (a JSON object with ordering and without duplicate keys)
  • Tagged Literal

ARSON has a number of built-in tags that map reasonably well to python types:

  • @bytestring, or @base64 for bytestrings
  • @set for sets, @complex for complex numbers
  • @datetime, @duration for datetimes and timedeltas.


a restructured object notation


License:MIT License


Language:Python 99.7%Language:Makefile 0.3%