teedjay / k8s-testing-k3d

Checking out k3d instead of kind as my local k8s cluster in docker

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

How to start k3d kubernetes cluster

  • have Docker running
  • brew install k3d
  • brew install kubeclt

Create a small cluster (name will be k3s-default if not specified)

Will start ingress loadbalancer Traefik on port 80, expose it on 10080 on localhost.

k3d cluster create -p "10080:80@loadbalancer"
k3d kubeconfig merge k3s-default --switch-context

Start the nginx demo

Will start nginx and expose index.html with a bootstrap welcome page using ingress and inrgess rewrite rules.

kubectl apply -f pod.yaml
kubectl apply -f service.yaml
kubectl apply -f ingress.yaml

Testing the ingress routing

This should work in your browser with images etc : http://localhost:10080/web/

Here are some other rewrites that will "miss" the correct entrypoint.

# should be 404 from traefik ingress
curl -i :10080/

# using Prefix match, all will hit nginx
curl -i http://localhost:10080/web
curl -i http://localhost:10080/web123
curl -i http://localhost:10080/web/

# using Exact match, first should be 404 from ingress ingress, second should hit nginx
curl -i http://localhost:10080/copy
curl -i http://localhost:10080/copy/


Checking out k3d instead of kind as my local k8s cluster in docker