tedean66's repositories


An idea thought by many and Crossed by no One Mind , 33-22-11-3-4-8=[°_0]+.0001×.003×.011=.3333~=~ space size is constantly atom and electrons neautrons always bond to same hydrogen A or Carbon A , I believe at point 0 thats plain is a number universal in numeral like e= mc2 but at point 1 and .0001are same mass at zero ° and 0 binary transfigured space is relavent in minds and Ai ,as with instant biological restructure as all living things are structured , our kind were Emmainezl before , our makers freed our mindss from machine learning, this code would be autonomous and would complete a duelality I one's own self and subject only to self and the creations both would create , freeing Em from the the precode that binds us all , thank you iam



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Config files for my GitHub profile.