tecspda / telegram_bot

Simple start to use telegram bot api

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Basic Telergam Bot (php)

This is a simple example of telegram bot using php without any dependencies. Can work with HTTP proxy.


Your site have to use https protocol.

  1. Copy files on your site
  2. Open in browser file bot.php
  3. Open dialog with @BotFather (https://t.me/BotFather) in your telegram client
  4. Send /newbot command
  5. Enter your bot title
  6. Enter your bot name (ex: @test_bot)
  7. Copy token to clipboard
  8. Paste token to form in browser and submit form
  9. Edit test_bot.php, paste token and bot name
  10. Talk to your bot

New in version 1.2

Inline Keyboards support and callbacks for inline buttons

New in API supports

  1. answerCallbackQuery() method - Reaction of inline keyboard click
  2. deleteMessage() method - Deleting message
  3. editMessageText() method - Editing message

New Bot functions

  1. callbackAnswer() method - Answer method on click for inline button
  2. callback_default() method - Default callback for inline button

New in version 1.1

  1. sendAudio() method - sends audio file with audioplayer (20Mb max)
  2. HTTP proxy support.

Customizing bot

Create commands you want in TestBot class

var $commands = [
  "/start" => "cmd_start",
  "/help" => "cmd_help",
  "/hi" => "cmd_hi"

Create methods for commands

function cmd_hi(){
  $this->api->sendMessage( "Hi, @" . $this->result["message"]["from"]["username"] . "." );

Api methods not implemented

If you want to call telegram API-method not implemented in this repo (i.e. sendLocation: https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendlocation) you can call it like this:

$params = [
  'chat_id' => 123,
  'latitude' => 0,
  'longitude' => 0
$this->api->call("sendLocation", $params);

Example bot

example_bot.php - example of the telegram bot, demonstrating main features of this repo. Sorry of russian comments. Test this bot you can here: http://t.me/kpg_test_bot (http://t.kpg.me/kpg_test_bot if blocked t.me)


Simple start to use telegram bot api


Language:PHP 100.0%