tecnosam / p2p-payments-system

A simple demo of a P2P network, built for Moni Africa

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

P2P Payments App

This is a simple illustration of a p2p network for payments users are able to carry out 2 primary functions

  1. Add money to their account via Paystack
  2. Send money to friends using thier paytags

Before we get started with setup and the nitty gritty of the app the live demo is available πŸ‘‰πŸΌ here

This system was built using Node Js, TypeScript and MongoDB and is deployed on Vercel (frontend) and Render (backend)


In order to run this project you must have Node JS installed, download it here πŸ‘‰πŸΌ node-js-download


To get started clone this repo to your computer

$ git clone https://github.com/Alfred-Onuada/p2p-payments-system.git

Once the repo is cloned go ahead and install the dependencies

$ npm install

You are now ready to start the server, run

$ npm run dev

API Description

There are 3 major segments of the applications API

  1. The Authentication / Authorization controller - to handle functions such as login / register / logout / token rotation
  2. The user controller - to handle retrieval of user information
  3. The wallet controller - to handle wallet topup and transfer of funds to other users
  • Lets get started with Auth


    POST - https://p2p-api.onrender.com/api/auth/register

    This route expects a payload of the fomat

    	"firstName": "Harley",
    	"lastName": "Quin",
    	"email": "quin@dc.com",
    	"password": "joker-me",
    	"username": "Quinny"

    and will return a response of format

    		"message":  "Registration successful",
    		"data":  {
    			"accessToken":  "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VySWQiOiI2NDdiYmQzZTQwOGJjMzhjNjYwZjgwODQiLCJpYXQiOjE2ODU4MzA5NzUsImV4cCI6MTY4NTgzMTg3NX0.FppqYvKN_LjHKjd7GKfnmLbbMJgOgs4hF-X9yH9WwME",
    			"refreshToken":  "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VySWQiOiI2NDdiYmQzZTQwOGJjMzhjNjYwZjgwODQiLCJ0b2tlbklkIjoiNjQ3YmJkM2U0MDhiYzM4YzY2MGY4MDg2IiwiaWF0IjoxNjg1ODMwOTc1LCJleHAiOjE2ODY0MzU3NzV9.VDil1gimXiY9doxZyPsWlVUoN8EJeh2JUboA70SdAdA"

    The API uses JWT based auth, as such returns both a refresh token and an access token to the client. The access tokens has a lifespan of 15 minutes while the refresh token has a lifespan of 7 days

    If there is a problem with the request a response of the following format will be returned

    	"message":  "username already exists"


    POST - https://p2p-api.onrender.com/api/auth/login

    This route processes a login request and expects a payload like below

    	"email": "quin@dc.com",
    	"password": "joker-me"

    and errors during login will return a response in similar format to the registration logic


    POST - https://p2p-api.onrender.com/api/auth/logout

    This route expects no payload except a refresh token in the authorization header in the bearer token style

    Rotate tokens

    POST - https://p2p-api.onrender.com/api/auth/rotate

This accepts a refresh token in the authorization headers, invalidates it and returns a new set of tokens to the client

  • User controller

    The user controller provides one route

    GET - https://p2p-api.onrender.com/api/user/info

    which returns information about the current signed-in user, in order to be classified as a signed-in user the request should contain the access token in the authorization headers.

    It returns a response like below

    	"message":  "Profile retrieved successfully",
    	"data":  {
    		"_id":  "647bbd3e408bc38c660f8084",
    		"firstName":  "jennifer",
    		"lastName":  "aniston",
    		"username":  "@racheal",
    		"email":  "racheal@friends.com",
    		"walletBalance":  0
  • Wallet controller


    POST - https://p2p-api.onrender.com/api/wallet/transfer

    This accepts a couple of information in the body of the request and processes a transfer from one user to another returning errors as neccessary. e.g of the payload

    	"receiver": "@racheal",
    	"amount": 5500,
    	"note": "Happy Birthday"

    Topup Verification

    POST - https://p2p-api.onrender.com/api/wallet/verify/:ref

    After payment is completed via the paystack frontend client, this route handles the callback by verifying the transaction using the paystack verification endpoint πŸ‘‰πŸΌ https://api.paystack.co/transaction/verify/:ref with the transaction ref sent in the request parameters. Upon successful verification the money will be added to the user's account.

Thanks for getting this far 😁


A simple demo of a P2P network, built for Moni Africa


Language:TypeScript 100.0%