techsemicolon / python-fabric-ec2-aws

Fabric tasks to run commands from local to remote EC2 Servers

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Python Fabric EC2 AWS

Run commands on multiple EC2 servers from your local machine. This is a basic scaffolding containing Fabric tasks runnner to execute commands from local machine(or bashin host) to all remote EC2 Servers specified.

It is a safe tunnel to send your commands from one machine to multiple EC2 servers

  • It eliminates need to manually Login and running the command to each server.
  • If you have autoscaling enabled, then you will need to first find the DNS or IPs of the active servers, this does that for you automaticaly based on EC2 tags.
  • If you run a command which needs password, it will simply prompt you on your local terminal just as it would on the remote server.
  • The is very simple to extend and add your own tasks in it as a function running the commands you would like. This scaffolding will help you to understand the possibilities.

Pre-requisites :

You need to have python 2.X.X installed. Also you will need fabric, dotenv and boto packages.

You can install those packages using :

pip install fabric
pip install dotenv
pip install boto

Installtion :

git clone fabric
cd fabric
touch .env

Settings :

You need to create an .env file in the cloned fabric folder with following variables :

# Type can be ec2bytag or manual

# hosts is only applicable when ypu set type as manual

# Below only applicable if you set type as ec2bytag


You can either specify the hosts manually or let the script search for instances automatically for you using a specific ec2 tag.

If you set type as manual, you need to specify hosts in hosts env variable.

Alternatively, if you set type as ec2bytag then you need to specify aws_ec2_region, aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key and an ec2_tag in your env file.

  • hosts is a comma separated collection of al ec2 servers(hosts). You can add dns name, ip address, domain name etc based on your settings. noly applicable when type is set to manual

  • user is the username common to all users. This is specifically imagined as an EC2 servers from autoscaling group which are clones of a main AMI.

  • pem is the path of your private key file for all EC2 servers.

  • webroot is where you want to run all commands from

  • ec2_tag is a key value pair of an ec2 tag separated by colon(:). For example : Name:LiveServer where Name is the key and LiveServer is the value.

Usage :

You can ho use the fabric tasks :

  1. List all available tasks :
fab --list

It will give you all tasks like :

Available tasks:
  1. Now you can run task on all servers :
fab git-status
  1. Run multiple tasks together on all servers :
fab git-pull refresh-artisan

Task Details :

  1. add-env-variable : Add env variable to all servers. If variable exists then it will replce its value to the new one. While caling you need to pass two arguments separated by comma. For example :

    fab add-env-variable APP_DEBUG false

    Above will add or update the env and set APP_DEBUG="false"

  2. clean-old-laravel-logs : Clean and delete old laravel log files except the new one

  3. composer-install : Installs new composer dependencies

  4. npm-install : Installs new npm dependencies

  5. git-pull : Pulls from master branch

  6. laravel-log : Get main line stacktrace of all logs from your latest log laravel log file.

  7. git-status : Check current git status

  8. refresh-artisan : Runs artisan:migrate, artisan config:clear and artisan view:clear

  9. tinker : Runs tinker on one of the server hosts specified

  10. cpu : Check current free memory and top 10 memory consuming processes

Extending :

Feel free to add new commands to as per your preference.


Fabric tasks to run commands from local to remote EC2 Servers