techscientist / Tasks

Simple tasks & notes manager written in PHP, jQuery and Bootstrap using a custom flat file database.

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Simple tasks & notes manager written in PHP, jQuery and Bootstrap using a custom flat file database.

What is Tasks?

Tasks is an script that allows you to manage tasks and notes.


You can access and create an account to test the script. NOTE: In the demo, all the data is deleted periodically. In the script, this doesn't happen.


  • PHP 5.5.9 or higher


  • Download lastest release from here.
  • Upload all the files to your server.
  • Edit site name, timezone, site URL, site email and language at includes/config.php
  • Access the script and create an account using the register form.
  • OPTIONAL: If you want a private install, change
$signupstatus = true;


$signupstatus = false;

to disable the signup form.

  • Enjoy


  • If you have any problems when instaling/using the script, open a ticket at my support center.
  • If you find any error in the code, open an issue or, if you know how to solve it, make a pull request.
  • If you have new ideas for this script, go ahead and post them in MP Feedback, under the "Tasks" section.


Copyright (C) Miguel Piedrafita. Use of this work is subject to Mozilla Public License 2.0


Simple tasks & notes manager written in PHP, jQuery and Bootstrap using a custom flat file database.

License:Mozilla Public License 2.0


Language:PHP 42.0%Language:JavaScript 35.6%Language:CSS 22.4%