technosmarter / countdown-timer-in-php

# countdown-timer-in-PHP The countdown timer in PHP using JS and MYSQL database.

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The countdown timer in PHP using JS and MYSQL database. The countdown timer is used to show the upcoming time of the event. You can create a countdown timer with PHP, JS and MYSQL database. PHP and MYSQL database helps to create a dynamic countdown timer.

Create a MYSQL database for Dynamic countdown timer

First of all, we create MySQL data and insert date and time.

Select data from the database and use in Countdown timer

Now, we use MYSQL select query to select data from the MYSQL database.

Create Dynamic countdown timer usin JS and PHP

Now , crete a countdown timer and use PHP code to make it dynamic.

Update Countdown timer time

Crate a form and update MYSQL data . You can update countdown timer time any time.

Reference for this PHP module -
1.Create countdown timer using JS and PHP .
2. Include() function in php .
3. Registration form using PHP and MYSQL databse.
4.Update data in MYSQL database using PHP and MYSQL database .

Features of Countdown timer -

  1. Change new time
  2. A dynamic coundown timer . 3.Time continue.
  3. Add more time and date.
  4. Date show .
  5. Update .
  6. Simple with better resource.


# countdown-timer-in-PHP The countdown timer in PHP using JS and MYSQL database.