technobaboo / quick3d-openxr

OpenXR module for Qt Quick 3D

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Qt Quick 3D OpenXR Module

XRGears demo

This is a module, made using Qt 5.14.0, that speeds up the creation of OpenXR applications for Qt Quick 3D.


  1. Install Monado ( and ensure xrgears runs
  2. Install Qt 5.14.1 base, QML, Quick and Quick 3D via package manager, Qt's website (, or compile it yourself (
  3. Build Quick3D-OpenXR using the provided scripts (make sure qmake is in your PATH):
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ sh ../scripts/ ..

Basic Usage Guide

Quick3D-OpenXR does most of the work connecting to OpenXR and setting up Qt Quick 3D. But there are still a few steps you need to do:

In int main in main.cpp:

  1. Create a QGuiApplication
  2. Create a QOpenXRApplication
  3. Register any QML types you need to
  4. Create a QQmlEngine
  5. Create a QQmlComponent loading the QML for the main scene synchronously
  6. Initialize the QOpenXRApplication

Example main.cpp:

#include <QGuiApplication>
#include <QQmlEngine>
#include <QOpenXRApplication>
#include <QDebug>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    QGuiApplication a(argc, argv);

    QOpenXRApplication *xrApp = new QOpenXRApplication(nullptr);
    qmlRegisterSingletonInstance<QOpenXRApplication>("QtQuick3D.OpenXR", 1, 0, "OpenXR", xrApp);

    QQmlEngine *mainQmlEngine = new QQmlEngine();
    QQmlComponent *sceneComponent = new QQmlComponent(mainQmlEngine, QUrl("qrc:/xrgears.qml"), QQmlComponent::PreferSynchronous);

    xrApp->initialize(mainQmlEngine, sceneComponent);

    return a.exec();


OpenXR module for Qt Quick 3D

License:MIT License


Language:C++ 93.3%Language:QMake 3.0%Language:C 2.8%Language:CMake 0.5%Language:Shell 0.4%