Simple 12V battery LEAD Acid Battery Protection board based ATtiny13 microcontroller.
Have relay and use it battery disconnect load(deep discharge protecti) if voltage < 10.5V + have level indicator with 3 LEDs:
PB0 1 LED 100% Charge level - >12.5 V;
PB1 2 LED 65% Charge level - >11.7 V;
PB2 3 LED 35% Charge level - >11.1 V;
PB3 voltmeter, 50 kOhm and 10 kOhm + 1 kOhm variable resistor;
PB4 Relay.
Source code(for Arduino IDE - "ATtiny13BatteryProtect/ATtiny13BatteryProtect.ino") here:
It's project full open source(PCB and code).
PCB Up side:
PCB Down side: