techieanant / ethercashflow

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Ether Cash Flow CLI

Ether Cash Flow is a CLI tool which allows the user to query data for given block numbers on the Ethereum Blockchain and generate meaningful reports based on this data.


Install NodeJS version 16.15.0 from or use NVM (Node Version Manager) to manage different node versions.

Environment Variables

Add your Infura API key to the variable INFURA_API in .env file at the root of this repo. The ALTERNATE_RPC in .env is set to a free RPC provider from MyEtherWallet so the tool will use it instead of Infura. To use Infura, remove the ALTERNATE_RPC variable from .env and add INFURA_API key.

Install Dependencies

npm install

Using the tool

Run node index.js at the root of project directory to run the CLI tool. You could select to search back x number of blocks from latest block on the mainnet or you could select a block range to search between.

Ether Cash Flow Screenshot

Note: The RPC endpoint may be slow in fetching data for large block ranges and the tool may seem unresponsive but be assured that its still working in the background and would output the reports as soon as data fetching is complete.

Screen Recording


Future Enhancements?

  • Decode function signatures in transaction input to provide human readable names
  • Decode event logs topic[0] to provide human readable event logs
  • Track event logs to show common transaction types i.e ERC20 or ERC721 transfers


License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 99.3%Language:Shell 0.7%